Trying to lose the baby weight…and then some!

I had a baby 10 months ago, and was so determined to lose weight that i was revved up and ready to go even before they gave me the go ahead to exercise….well the day came when they gave me permission and my motivation must have high tailed it out of there same day….i still have yet to start an exercise program (unless you count running after a crawling baby) …. Also tried to join nutrisystem and they told me i wasn't allowed (literally the lady said no) … you see apparently you can't join if you are breastfeeding a baby younger than 6 months… so the 6 month mark came…and went (that motivation got away again!!!) Now we are on month 10, i have this beautiful little baby and still look like i am carrying him inside my stomach lol… I need to get this weight off, for me and for him… he will be walking soon and i am determined to be a fun mom and be able to keep up… if you are in the same boat or even one that could possibly help me find my motivation… please add me! :):smile: