body comp results



  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I use this app every wee that calculates my BF based on the YMCA calculations. Last week I as a 13%. That's lower than I come out with. Luckily I'm doing a DEXA with my bone density test next month. This BF is not easy to track.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member

    And to 7% BF for a woman - you'd have all kinds of negative side effects if really down at that level - BIA scales can be throw off so many ways, besides not being accurate.
    The can be consistent though, and so can indicate a direction of gain or loss of BF%.

    In February, the BIA scale put me at 11% and the DEXA at 15.9% on the same day. Since then, I do the BIA scale weekly, and it has me down to 6.9% at last check. My doctor said that he wasn't concerned at 15.9%, but he just wanted me to focus on more muscle (even though I already had a lot) for bone density reasons. At around 7%, my trainer said that it's not concerning because I continue to gain lean body mass. (And apparently, in order build muscle, your hormones need to be functioning properly, which in turn requires a certain amount of body fat. So as long as I'm still building muscle, I have enough fat, though I do need to gain some, I know.)

    My DEXA rescan in August will provide more info. If the relationship between the BIA scale and the DEXA remains consistent from February, I would think that the DEXA will put me at around 12%. Definitely looking forward to learning more from the results and tweaking my program as/if needed. I'm already eating at a surplus, but it seems to be going to muscle since I'm doing lifting.