If someone want to entertain my paranoia please help

I have severe BDD and my whole life probably revolves around my weight. Anyone this post is essentially can to people with the same height and weight look completely different. My mother and I (I'm 23) are both 5"3.5 and 135 pounds however I'm a 36 DD she's an A cup (sorry if this is graphic). I'm also a lot more active than her. Do we have the same body and I just can't see it or can two people with similar measurements look so different? If anyone who has experience with BDD can they please add me as well?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Of course you can be completely different. Remember, you only share half of her DNA. You have an entire 2nd half you got from your father. Genetics aren't all inherited from one person.

    As for BDD, have you talked to a professional? If not, you might want to seek one out.