Homegirl wanna lose some honey

I have reached a yoyo stage in my weight loss journey. I started in January 2014 at 182 and I am toggling from 140 to 150 since April. Its very frustrating since my goal is 130. Its also disheartening that I cant discuss anything about weight with my boyfriend who sees it as insecurity or my best friend that has never struggled with weight. That is why I am here. I need support from those who understand and are trying to make a better change for their health like me. So hello everyone iam ready to be involved, track my success, reach my goal and maintain. It feels great to be here.


  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    You have done a great job! Congrats on your weight loss.
  • lisaunderhill
    lisaunderhill Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome. Great job to date. Keep at it. What types of exercise are you doing? Is this the same type of workout you've been doing since day 1? I understand about toggling between weight. I tend to drop a lot of inches before I even see the scale move and it is very disheartening, so I have learned to use a measuring tape and stop focusing so much on the number on the scale.
  • My goal is 140. You've done wonderful, and welcome!!!