Do you eat before you workout?



  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    Generally no, I normally do a fasted workout in the morning. If I have meetings and have to workout in the afternoon or evening then I have no choice, but I always feel sluggish if I have eaten prior to working out.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    It depends. If I'm working out in the morning (be it swimming, running, weights, etc), I don't usually have anything, except water or my pre-workout drink....the caveat to that is if my morning "workout" is actually a race (running or triathlon), then I do fuel beforehand with a banana or two, my pre-workout drink, maybe part of a granola bar - it depends on how much time there is between when I have to be there and when the race starts (and how long the race is....obviously, I need to fuel more for a triathlon than I do for a 5K run). And also, depending on the distance (and temps), I may fuel during the race or workout as well.

    If I'm working out in the evening, I have obviously eaten throughout the day, but I always make sure there is at least an hour between when I last ate and when I start my workout.
  • MzNeecie
    MzNeecie Posts: 107 Member
    I will eat dry or solid foods if I must eat (i.e apple or some dry cereal or handful of almonds) but I typically don't like food in my stomach when I work out b/c it makes me want to vomit:(. I guess it just depends on the person.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Depends. XTs or short runs then no. Long runs yes, I will wake up early to have a cup of coffee and a slice of toast with PB about an hour before the run.
  • Rancerox
    Rancerox Posts: 28 Member
    If I'm hungry or feeling a little "depleted," I'll usually have a protein bar or maybe a one-scoop protein shake to keep me fueled. I don't specifically plan a meal before a workout though.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Not unless I can eat at least 2 hours before I exercise. Otherwise, it's strictly water/energy drink/coffee immediately before for hydration. The closest I have come to eating was a protein shake instead of water/energy drink.
  • mrsanders3960
    I water and carbs 1to 2 hours before workout, and usually carbs and protein with in 30 minutes post work out.
  • craftydoll
    craftydoll Posts: 17 Member
    I usually have oatmeal as a pre-workout meal, 45-60 min before hitting the gym.
  • steran29
    steran29 Posts: 11
    I feel the same way as you! If i eat before or after I get a certain negative feeling lol. Depends what time you work out. If I work out early in the morning I do not eat before working out because if i do I feel like throwing up throughout the workout. If I work out in the afternoon, i make sure I eat about 2 hours before I work out so i'm not too hungry. I eat an apple or a rice cake an hr and a half at MOST and after that take my herbalife shake.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I prefer not to, I feel sluggish if I do. Plus I work out at 5am, if I eat before that I'll be starving at 4pm with no calories left :cry:
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I have to have something in my stomach. On work days, I eat a half banana with peanut butter, a little protein, and carbs; however, since I'm on vacay I eat more knowing I can take my time getting to my WO.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    AM workouts- at best- coffee and a spoon full of yogurt. mostly nothing.

    Working out fasted in the AM makes me sick- but it goes away after a week or two- I just don't do it often enough to get through the uncomfortableness.

    Normally I eat about 45-60 minutes prior to lifts. Rarely right before- don't like feeling full when working out.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    No. I drink water before I workout, then eat immediately after.

    Eating right before a work out usually makes me want to hurl.
  • momof41964
    I usually dont but this morning I did have a banana. I litterlly started running today. I do short sperts, walk and do the stadium steps. I am so new to this. Anyhelpful hints would be great. Also I had a weigh in today and gained 4 pounds. I know that four pounds is not that much but my question is this time I did wear my running shoes and do a hard work out. Would that have caused some weight gain?
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    I eat something carb-y since I am diabetic like an apple, a banana, or a similarly small snack. If I eat too much I get seriously nauseous
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    It depends on what I am doing! If I am doing a light to moderate exercise, then yes I do eat before. Now if I am doing an intense cardio exercise like running or boot camp, then NO!!! Only because it makes me very nauseous and sick to my stomach.
  • WhizGidget
    WhizGidget Posts: 62 Member
    Nope. I'm usually in the gym by 6:30 in the morning, and I can't eat anything that early, no matter what. I used to eat and then workout a couple hours later, and I wanted to die. So, no food for me, just water. Then I eat within a half hour to an hour post-workout: Either yogurt with granola, or a piece of fruit (a whole apple, peach, something)
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I can't eat before a workout, no matter what time of the day it is - I'll just get sick. Afterward, though, I can usually have a lil' somethin'-somethin'. A Quest bar usually fills me up pretty well.
  • akaiookami
    akaiookami Posts: 43 Member
    It took me months to figure out what worked regarding food and exercise. I get up early to workout at home and/or run the nearby roads, so I don't usually have a lot of prep time. (Kinda felt like Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
    I started out eating NOTHING, beginning with cardio and ending with weights. I was a useless wet noodle that needed a nap afterwards.
    So then I tried having a protein shake before cardio then weights. SLOSHY tummy made me feel awkward and icky, but not used up by the end.
    So, NOW I have the protein shake and do weights then cardio. I have some fuel digested by the end of the workout to keep me from exhaustion, and doing the strength first keeps me from bouncing my stomach around uncomfortably.
    If I run: I have a small drink of the shake, run, finish the shake, and do weights then cardio.

    I eat some eggs/yogurt/nuts after the post-workout-shower to finish breakfast.

    Amazing the routines we come up with to get things done, eh?
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    wow! thank you everyone! :)