How Often Do You Cheat?



  • Tania181988
    I normally cheat on weekends. During a week I consume 1200 calories a day however Fridays and Saturdays are really bad days for me. I'm surrounded by my friends on weekends therefore if I don't drink or share take away with them - they call me boring slimming weirdo. Last Friday I consumed around 3000 calories and on Saturday around 5000 calories- mostly calories come from alcohol and snacking. I always feel really bad and guilty after weekends but i can't help it :-( should I leave all my friends and never go out again?! :-(
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Every weekend. But I try to eat light enough during the week that I can do it without derailing my progress. It's worked really well for me and has probably been the biggest factor in my success, to be honest.
  • chayjean
    chayjean Posts: 3
    I normally cheat on weekends. During a week I consume 1200 calories a day however Fridays and Saturdays are really bad days for me. I'm surrounded by my friends on weekends therefore if I don't drink or share take away with them - they call me boring slimming weirdo. Last Friday I consumed around 3000 calories and on Saturday around 5000 calories- mostly calories come from alcohol and snacking. I always feel really bad and guilty after weekends but i can't help it :-( should I leave all my friends and never go out again?! :-(

    I can relate to this SO much! There is a huge drinking culture here where I live and when I do drink I am not very productive the next day. I also am consuming 1200 calories a day and to me that is just enough to survive, I would have to work my butt off working out to have a "cheat" meal or even a side of fries. At least that is how I feel.
  • followzyzz
    followzyzz Posts: 10
    I'm currently on keto so I do a carb-refeed every Saturday or Sunday(sugar is also included).
  • sarahslosingit2014
    sarahslosingit2014 Posts: 13 Member
    I have them every now and then. Just depends on what is going on. If I know we are going out to dinner at night, which I don't shy away from, I try to eat lighter during the day and just not order the triple bacon cheese mayo burger or whatever is super high cal, KWIM? I don't always order grilled chicken and veggies though. ;)

    I am on a 1 lb weight loss/wk goal which means theoretically I have 500 extra calories a day to maintain, if that makes sense. I really like to not go over my goal by more than 500 calories. But very rarely I do. And it's always okay. 1 meal is not going to derail you. A week of eating bad meals may, but not 1 meal - at least it never has for me. I may gain a little for like a day (esp if it's a high sodium meal = water retention) but over time I still lose consistently whether I have cheat meals or not.

    I know there are people who never go over cals or for whom it is a slippery slope - once they start, they can't stop. I get that. You have to do what works for you and your body.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    If you're planning to go ALL OUT (alcohol and lots of high calorie food) then I would recommend a max of once per month. Once a week and you could really blow your efforts the rest of the week. Even once every two weeks would be a lot. Maybe try to time it with monthly holidays.
  • sarahslosingit2014
    sarahslosingit2014 Posts: 13 Member
    Oh, and I regularly make burgers and have ice cream at home. Very easy to fit that into my calories. A 1/4 lb burger with lean ground beef, leave off the cheese if I am short on calories, and low calorie/slow churned or no sugar added ice cream which is usually around 100 calories for 1/2 cup. If you always deny yourself what you are really wanting, you'll end up bitter and maybe start bingeing. I would anyway! There is a lower calorie and healthier alternative to so much of the traditionally "unhealthy" foods we all love. :)
  • gamagem
    gamagem Posts: 87 Member
    I suppose I don't do it often. Most of the year I'm at my calorie and exercise goals. A couple of times a year for about a week I tend to not log or really care what I eat, I may exercise depending on the location, but am not strict about it. The rest of the time I'm pretty good at keeping with my healthy eating and exercise habits. We tend not to eat out much but if we do, I just cut back on other days.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    For those who are trying to lose weight,
    So, I am wondering how often everyone lets themselves cheat and just pig out, indulge in the fattiest foods possible just to keep your sanity?

    Probably too often, but I don't worry too much about it. I am in for better health over my lifetime and don't see it as a short term destination, so I enjoy life while making good choices most of the time.
  • vkdarling
    vkdarling Posts: 161 Member
    I dont think I would be able to "pig out and indulge" and then go back to eatting healthy. Not at this point anyway- i know if i started that I wouldnt be able to stop. So for now, never. If I want to eat something that isn't healthy then maybe I would but i would still stay in my calories for the day.... Thats just me I have no willpower lol
  • torichantel2005
    torichantel2005 Posts: 42 Member
    Oh, and I regularly make burgers and have ice cream at home. Very easy to fit that into my calories. A 1/4 lb burger with lean ground beef, leave off the cheese if I am short on calories, and low calorie/slow churned or no sugar added ice cream which is usually around 100 calories for 1/2 cup. If you always deny yourself what you are really wanting, you'll end up bitter and maybe start bingeing. I would anyway! There is a lower calorie and healthier alternative to so much of the traditionally "unhealthy" foods we all love. :)

    I'm the same. For the most part, I make what my husband and I WANT to eat. And we totally have ice cream! Even stuff that has "sugar added" (Breyer's Mint Oreo Blast, for instance) has only 120 calories for 1/2 cup, and for me, I wouldn't want any more ice cream than that. It's totally doable.