Riding Bike w/ Kid?

So, I started this weight loss journey about three weeks ago (again). It seems to be going better this time. Easier to stick with at least. I have been concentrating solely on diet for the past three weeks, but am looking to begin incorporating exercise into it soon. I lack time however, and would rather spend my time with my 3 year old daughter than set aside time to do formal exercise...for now at least. I was thinking of getting a bike to ride with my daughter at the park. She is finally getting the hang of riding her tricycle on her own now. Obviously, I won't be able to go very fast or hard since I have to go at her pace. Should I even bother or would I be better off walking with her?


  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    If you are thinking about the calorie burn aspect of it then at those speeds you are better off walking / light jog I think.

    Biking together would be tremendous fun though...
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    If you are thinking about the calorie burn aspect of it then at those speeds you are better off walking / light jog I think.

    Biking together would be tremendous fun though...

    ^This..you would probably burn more chasing her than riding with her. I have a seat that fits on my bike for my daughter and I put her on the bike and ride with her that way. This may or may not work for you as your daughter might tire easily of this and be bored. They also have pull along carts that attach to bicyles that she can sit in and play with toys while you get a ride in. That might be an option for you as well. Best of luck!
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    Could you power walk or jog while she rides her bike?

    I take long walks with a three year old, and because of how the neighborhood and walking path is set up, I put her and her stroller (doll sized) into the big stroller, then jog while we're on the street, and she can get out and walk as soon as we're on the path. Going at her pace while I'm thinking about burning calories is maddening (it took us an hour and a half to walk a mile because she had to hug EVERY tree along the way), and while I can handle that when I'm in the "let's get outside!" mindset, it's much more difficult when I know I won't get in any other work out except what I do with her. I like the balance of jogging at my pace while she rides, and then walking together at her pace.

    Also, I'd suggest some practice, just to make sure you know what her stamina is. From experience: carrying a 3 year old and their bike/toy stroller/dog the last quarter mile to get home is not fun.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I ride with my 4 year old all the time but he is attached to my bike. Last year he was in a trailer. This year he was big enough for a trail along. I would invest in a trailer for rides and try to power walk when she is on her bike.
  • ATCritch
    ATCritch Posts: 20 Member
    +1 The trailers are fantastic, you can throw toys/books etc in there to keep your little one occupied and stop off for picnics (healthy ones, of course) it makes your ride that much harder but not so much that it isn't enjoyble. It would of course be great to see your daughter strive and learn to ride her bike/trike but exercise wise it will have very little effect.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Oh yes, get a trailer.

    I hauled my twins in a bike trailer and their older brother in a bike seat for an incredibly difficult ride when they were younger.