
Hello everyone!

My name is Lora and I am 30 years old and I have 2 daughters 11 and 9 yrs old and one foster son that is 12 and I am engaged to my wonderful sweetie for a little over 6 yrs and were getting married (finally) Feb 12th, 2011 and we are really excited and ready to do this. I am kind of sad though, I reside in Missouri and I am from Upstate NY and it seems everyone we are inviting cannot make it for some reason or another, even my very own father, what am I going to do? I am so sad over that and then my fiance chose his dad as best man and today his dad says that he doesn't want to be best man and he doesn't even think he will be there. Like seriously? Wow, I am just starting to wonder about our family!

Anyway, I am ready to lose some serious weight and so far I am starting off with cutting out the soda, kool aid and all of that stuff and just drinking water with some lemon or lemon juice, I am NOT a water drinker at all unless it's ice cold and even still it is really hard for me because soda taste sooo good, especially with some yummy food like pizza!

I am just trying to find the will power to lose some weight and I REALLY need to start exercising! It's very hard when you are doing it yourself.


  • Jillian0708
    wll no you dont have to :)
  • Tallbrunette1980
    Aww thanks
  • hisgirlie2007
    I have completely different family drama making me consider this, but since people aren't able to attend, maybe you should have a destination wedding and just a small reception when you get back for people who want to be there. Spend your wedding budget on yourselves, not other people. Just a thought, best luck in everything.