Intermittent fasting



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    did you find it hard to transition from a "regular" eating schedule to IF?
    any difficulties with hunger over the course of practicing IF?
    also what is your time window for eating?
    thinking of slowly moving towards IF for the fall but im not sure yet

    Took about 7 - 10 days to get used to it. Takes time to get ghrelin under control...and for your body to adjust/relearn a new eating pattern.

    The first 7 - 10 days were a little I would do a few almonds. But in time it worked out. Sometimes I do get "hungry" in the morning....usually if things were hectic the day before and I didn't get my calories in....or I mistimed my food, and hit my goals like an hour or two before my window closed. :laugh:
    So drink a lot of water

    My eating window is 12 - 8, but usually works out more like 1245 or 1pm - 8pm

    Worth give it a shot.
    I have been able to get my appetite under control, and have not been this lean in years.
    And I enjoy working out in the fasted state.
    awesome, thanks
    one last question regarding IF; if say you have a night were you know you'll be drinking, how do you alter your eating schedule in terms of timing, or do you?

    The big thing there is plan ahead.

    If you know you are going to head out to do the drinking thing....
    The most important thing for long term goals, will be over all calories consumption.

    So if you are heading out for the night to drink, then bank your calories, because you will want to stay at or below your caloric goal.

    So take the time to plan ahead, then you have less regret the next day. :wink:
    Only takes a few min to pre-fill your diary....
    And you can suck it up eating fewer calories earlier in the day....try to hit fat and protein macros as well, if possible.
    But keep fat low on the day, due to how the body will oxidize alcohol over fat
  • ChrisM_1992
    ChrisM_1992 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you very much dlw8888, jquijas and MityMax.

    I'll give it ago for a couple of weeks(with a break on the weekend since it's my birthday this weekend, wooo)
    I'm only on day two and I like it, dont have to worry about cooking when I get home from work although I did get a little hungry last night.

    @MityMax if you don't mind me asking, how much have you lost and how much of it would you put towards doing IF? Obviously very fit so it's clearly working
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I do.

    The last 80lbs or so I've lost doing IF. That's with no calorie counting, logging, or weighing.

    I don't do any prescribed program or plan. I fast when I want, eat when I want. I do full fast days, not low calorie "fast" days. I am so adapted to fasting at this point that it presents no challenge at all. I actually enjoy my fast days and spiritually fasting is important to me, so that's awesome too.

    Once I hit my goal range my maintenance plan is 5:2 for life, with two full fast, water only days. That allows me a wonderful caloric catch and allows me an almost obscene amount of calories on my 5 eating days, even at my relatively low goal weight (for a man) range. In fact I'm more concerned about being able to meet my maintenance caloric allotment so I might have to up shift to a 6:1 plan.

    Looking back, when I was at my smallest adult weight, and maintained that for years, I was actually only eating when hungry and ended up doing some version of intermittent fasting without even knowing it. IFing works for me because it plays extremely well to my natural eating patterns. I'm not a person who is enticed at all by the notion of snacking all day or having several small meals throughout the day. So getting my deficit through timing feels natural and very maintainable.

    Oh and OP, I did low carb off and on for years. I lost the first couple dozen pounds this go round on low carb. I actually really enjoy eating a low carb lifestyle and would do so easily if it wasn't for my enjoyment of sweets. IFing allows me to have the best of both worlds; most of my staple diet consists of meat, veg, good oils/butter, with some fruit and dairy. But IFing allows me to enjoy sweets, pretty much till my heart's content. I just don't have them every day or even every week. It's the only system that has helped me successfully marry my wicked sweet tooth with my enjoyment of a low carb WOE.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    @MityMax if you don't mind me asking, how much have you lost and how much of it would you put towards doing IF? Obviously very fit so it's clearly working

    I started IF on Aug 6th, 2013 @ 183 lbs
    I am currently at 165 or so.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    I started IF the end of September 2013. I even went through Thanksgiving, Christmas and a 3 week cruise and still lost weight. I am a believer in this process. It works for me and that is what every person has to do... find out what works for them.