Looking for motivated and active friends

Yesterday was 680 days on MFP. I have lost 76 lbs so far, but have been stuck in a rut mentally and have not lost, or gained, anything since last October. I exercise every day but my eating habits are no good. I need some motivating friends to keep me in check. I'm not a friend collector so I need friends that are here daily and will help to give me the kick in the butt I need to lose the last half of this weight. I've come too far to stop but I feel like I'm just going through the motions right now. Maybe some new inspirational friends with help to change things up.

I'm a 39 yo female, married with 2 active Jr. High and High School aged girls. I like to walk, run and bike and strength train.

Add me as a friends if you don't mind being my friend.

Thanks so much!
