Feeling...Like I cant do it...



  • tally1991
    tally1991 Posts: 5
    Im the same way! My weakness is between 4 and 11PM because Im home with my daughter and my boyfriend is at work. I have actually gone to my grandparents house in the past because they dont keep junk food there, then I dont have any reasons to want to eat!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I am someone that actually doesnt like working out (do all my running solo) with other people.. but I join a crossfit gym and learned in that circumstance i did like having some people around and holding me accountable to atleast be at crossfit. The rest of it (diet, other excerise.. I had to do on my own).

    I will tell you that you need to hold yourself accountable in a good way and then use MFP for support. I am a little dorky but I love a good old CHART. I have one on my wall right now for a 30 day challenge I am participating in. Every day I log the following... (weight, calories consumed, calories burned, net calories, and notes on the day). I never leave anything blank so it hold me accountable for my actions. Perhaps this is something you can try.
  • jleb5
    jleb5 Posts: 23 Member
    I can relate! It is tough. I am starting and have about 100 lbs to lose so I can really relate. I've dieted, quit , tried all kinds of diets and it just hasn't stuck. I am tired of it and even thought I know I need to lose the weight it gets hard and you do need support. People backing you up and saying keep on going. So, all I can say is You go girl! Keep on going! YOu are almost there.
  • jleb5
    jleb5 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow! Sounds great! great idea!