Monthly reflection

So as I was turning in my accountability report for the Wellness program at work I got really happy!!! I was feeling a little bummed because it was just feeling like a bad week. I have had a lot of scale flucuation this week, and despite my best efforts to not let it bum me out it kinda did. I was down to 366 on Sunday then yesterday back up to 368. This morning when I get to work its time to report our progress for the month. Not only did I have 30+ hours of physical activity, I have lost a total of 13 pounds, and get this 15.5 inches over all on my body!!!!! HOLY SMOKES!!!! That is so awesome! SO needless to say I kicked my self in the heiny for being bullied by my scale and instead focused on my amazing progress. By theend of July I will be posting another progress picture!! Also the challenges for this month that I am completing is to get in 50 miles and there is a plank challeng I am dying to try so wish me luck and get out there and get motivated people! It works!!!!!!!:laugh: :happy: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: