How is it possible to gain weight?


I started dieting at 189 lbs, quite a bit over my goal of 140 lbs (5'3" woman)

First two weeks were great, lost 2 lbs per week as predicted (based on exercise and very healthy eating). But third week is a train wreck. I admit, I had one day where I actually went over not only my goal, but my base BMI (consumed 2200 cals, supposed to be 1880 to maintain). But the day before this, I had a 7 mile hike! And then, just yesterday, I did a 1 mile swim (fast breaststroke) only to get weighed this morning and see I have put on 1lb!?

How is this even scientifically possible? I am not a secret eater, I record *everything* I eat and drink. This is very de-motivating, the weight should only be going in one direction considering how overweight I am to start with, and how much exercise I'm doing (between 30-60 mins brisk walk per day, 3 miles swimming per week, plus extra hikes sometimes).

Add to all this I generally eat below my goal per day as well, even getting a warning sometimes about going under 1200 by a hair (I am not starving, I'd feel it if I were).

I know we're not supposed to panic about small gains, but it makes no sense. It should be plummeting downwards since I'm over 13 stone.. and it should only slow down / get hard as I get close to 10 stone..


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    A normal daily variation. This can be up to 5 pounds and is likely due to water. It will settle down. If these variations stress you weigh less often
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Scientifically you're referring to fat loss - but there is more to it. Short term gain could be due to water weight from: stress, hormones/TOM, sodium, sleep issues, etc.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    LOL, I know that feeling. "How?! From where?!"

    There will be fluctuations. It just happens. And it really happens at period time. I gain and lose 4-7 pounds with every period.

    Give it time. It will go down. Stick with it and you'll see results. :)
  • silkmfp
    silkmfp Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys.. it's hard not to panic when it's so early on you know? I am due on, could be that's why.

    Also how do you get the pretty things at the bottom?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Thanks guys.. it's hard not to panic when it's so early on you know? I am due on, could be that's why.

    Also how do you get the pretty things at the bottom?

    At the top of the Message Boards where you see >Home > Recent Posts > My Topics > Settings > Search choose Settings. There is literally one box there. Check it and Save Changes to show your ticker at the bottom of every post. Uncheck it and Save Changes if you don't want your ticker to appear at the bottom of posts.