What kind of results did you get from having a FITBIT?



  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    I was waiting for the fitbit force to reach Australia, unfortunately it was recalled before it made it. I did a heap of research and ended up buying a Garmin Vivofit, similar to the fitbit but has a 12month battery :) plus a few other benefits.

    I has tripled the amount of walking I do, I now average 15k steps a day. I also got a hrm in the bundle and use it for cycling, strength exercise and cardio workouts.

    If you love crunching numbers I would strongly recommend anyone of these types of toys.
  • JoT2013
    JoT2013 Posts: 55 Member
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    Look at my ticker....all done with a fitbit my friend.
  • Sarahdipity7
    Sarahdipity7 Posts: 10 Member
    So far I have lost 18 pounds. The Fitbit Flex is great, but I think I would have to say that the "results" I've seen so far are my awareness and accountability. I'm incredibly more aware of how much movement I make, or don't make. It's good to know what your RMR is, which Fitbit shows you (especially if you can link it to your smartphone), but it really makes you realize how sedentary I am, which in turn makes me go out and do something; gym, walking etc. The Fitbit holds you accountable if you link your MFP to it, or you could just use MFP on its own, which helps hold you just as accountable-- especially if you share your food diary!!!!
  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    I'm a data nerd so I love the FitBit One that I have. MFP logs my calories in, FitBIt logs my calories out. Between the two I have a reasonably accurate measurement and am able to eat mostly what I want when I want.

    As others have said it's quite a shock to discover just how few steps you are taking or how inactive you actually are and there is definitely a feeling of competing against yourself with the badges and the Friends Leaderboard.

    I started off with a goal of 7,000 steps a day (with my feet hurting) then moved that up to 10,000, then 12,000. My goal is still 12,000 but I'm actually averaging 15,000 a day right now and I feel guilty if I don't exceed my goal every day.
  • squidgirl68
    squidgirl68 Posts: 15 Member
    I just got the FitBit One last night and so far its making me want to go walking a lot around my facility and use the stairs!
  • akmom919
    akmom919 Posts: 51 Member
    I've only had mine about 2 weeks, but it's definitely getting me up on my feet more. Especially on the weekends, where I was really underestimating how busy I was. I find myself going for short walks on my breaks, taking the long way around to get to my office or to go to the bathroom and I'll even jog in place at home if I'm short on steps that day, just to get myself moving. I'm going on vacation this week and I'm counting on my fitbit to help keep me moving, since I know my eating will not be as good for a few days.
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    What are the differences in the fitbits?(besides the sleep monitoring) I found the zip online for only $50,but was wondering if it worked as well as the ones with the wrist bands.
  • shiec92
    shiec92 Posts: 688 Member
    I've had a fitbit for just under two months now, and it made me realise how sedentary I was, it really encouraged me to start walking a lot more and having friends with it, I makes me want to walk more so I'm not at the bottom of steps walked :P

    However, now that I've started walking more, I'm not so sure it's for me, and I'm debating getting a HRM to more accurately record my activity as fitbit do not take into consideration a few factors.