Not new but starting over with life! Anyone is Houston, TX?

Sjarkey15 Posts: 57 Member
Hi everyone!
I've had a pretty crappy June... fell off my weight loss wagon after my boyfriend of 7 years told me he doesn't love me anymore... took it pretty hard and wanted to give up on everything. :(
Well now it's July and I've decided to start over with everything! New life, new apartment, new friends... the whole 9 yards!
I moved to Houston a year ago with my now "ex boyfriend" and didn't really make an effort to make friends of my own. We always had "our" friends. Looking for anyone who would want to workout, talk, grab food, anything!!
I lost 30lbs in almost 4 months and I hate to say I gained almost 7 back:( I'm 23, 5'9", female, nanny, runner, swimmer, I have 2 wonderful dogs, and I love food;-)

Now it's your turn!!


  • Eventhough I do not currently live in Houston, this post caught my eye because I am from Houston. The good news is that there is plenty to do in Houston and you are still very young! God has a plan for you and your life. Just know that there is nothing wrong with you and that your ex is the one with the disfunction. Everyone suffers heartbreak; I know I had my share before I met my wife. If those things I hated did not happen; I would not have the family I do today. Love yourself and the rest will follow.
  • lbpears
    lbpears Posts: 40 Member
    I live in Houston! I've been here 15 years. Sorry to hear about your break-up, but best of luck to you on your journey.
  • mjbowman821
    mjbowman821 Posts: 66 Member
    I am not in Houston either but I totally understand about starting over after a long relationship has ended. It is ok to put yourself first as you heal. For me that is working on my fitness, learning to socialize and adapting to my new normal.
    I wish you all the best on your new journey.
  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm in the metroplex. Just a hop skip and jump away! ( ok more like 4 hours lol) but still add me if you like. So sorry to hear about your breakup, but good for you for remaining optimistic! You've got this! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm in Houston! West side for now and hopefully inner-loop in a couple months (depending on the rental market at that time). No big weight loss journey going on here but I use MFP to keep tabs on myself instead of noshing on Gringo's and Shipley's all of the time.

    Sorry to hear about your breakup, I know that can be hard. I get the whole "not making an effort to make friends" thing too. I found someone pretty soon after coming down to Houston (by way of Syracuse, NY) back in 2011 and never really went out an explored to try and meet new people and make friends. I work in a small office of people in their mid-thirties that all have kids so no one is exactly interested in happy hour anymore. We find ourselves some weekends wishing we had people to hang out with.

    A little about me: 25, foodie, civil engineer, half marathoner, wannabe gym rat (I try haha), music lover and I love exploring new places in the City!
  • dkreed07
    dkreed07 Posts: 18 Member
    In June, my family moved to Houston, well, Humble which is north of Houston. I am starting a new life. I have to get a job and make new friends. It gets a little harder when you are older. I'm 45 and feel like I am starting over. I left my 20 and 22 year old boys in Illinois. I am hoping they will be down here in the next few years. I have a 9 year old daughter who hasn't made any friends yet, because we never see any kids outside!!

    Good luck with your new life!!