Pictures of Before/During or after please!??

Veganvibesss Posts: 123 Member
Hey! i just joined a gym and im very excited to lose some weight, i can hardly move afterwords but i feel great!! Working out really does make you happy eh!
Id like to see some progress pics from you guys to show me what's possible! I know everyone loses at a different rate but any weight loss is something to be proud of!

If you could upload your photos and include how long it took you and what you are doing to lose the weight (going to the gym, eating healthier, running etc...) id really appreciate it! and congrats in advance! :happy:


  • sfisher07
    sfisher07 Posts: 30 Member
    I posted an update a little while ago title "Finished T25". I'm about halfway through it, there is an update there.

    Good luck to you!
  • kristinmarie1986
    This is my very first time sharing progress pics and I don't have the best pictures yet, but hopefully you can tell a difference! The pic on the left is me at my heaviest of 253, it was taken in Dec. 2012. Pic on the right is a recent pic at my current weight of 198, total 55 lbs GONE so far! Still a long way to go, but I'm proud of my progress so far.

    I started trying to lose weight in February 2013. I didn't exercise very much (a couple Jillian DVDs here and there, used my gym membership maybe twice over the next 3 months...) but I started eating SUPER clean. Cut out all processed foods, etc etc. Dropped 30 lbs over the next 2 months or so.

    Then I realized that eating super clean was unsustainable for me. I moved and changed jobs, and ended up gaining about 10 of it back over the next 6 months (with my eating habits I still can't believe it was only 10).... I joined weight watchers and the YMCA in January 2014 and have since lost that 10 plus another 25. I've done this using WW points system and working out 3-5 times a week. I mix up my work outs, everything from aqua zumba to night club cardio to body pump to circuit trainings. I've still got another 60 or so to go until I'm at my goal, and it may take a year or two, but I'm okay with that because I'm tired of GAINING THE WEIGHT BACK! Every time I lose weight quickly, I can never sustain the lifestyle and revert back to old ways. So I'm trying the tortoise way this time, and I'm so happy about it :)

    Anyways, enough blabber blabber, here's a pic :)

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