
I'm starting to wonder if my calorie burn is over emphasized...? I burned 900+ from 1 hour of step aerobics? I am so confused right about now, when I check on google it says 1 hr burns only 300+ cals. I tried reading the posts on calculating but its too much for me and just goes over my head. Can someone please help me out here?


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I logged some exercise here and decided that I didn't trust the numbers it was spitting out, I do everything the easiest way possible, so "Quit logging" was my solution. Other people will have more helpful info!

    But I do not think you're wrong about those exercise calorie amounts being way too high. :)
  • nerdchiq32
    nerdchiq32 Posts: 20
    its also saying that i need to eat back some of the calories but i dnt know because i'm afraid to eat over
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Apparently MFP exercise figures are inflated. I use this calculator since it also accounts for my weight:
  • steran29
    steran29 Posts: 11
    I agree ... after a while I stopped logging in my workouts because I didn't know what the real calories burned were. I was doing zumba and found 3 different ones with 3 different calories burned amounts ... I think as long as you're working out hard and eating good, I don't see a problem with you losing weight. I'm playing it by ear, eating what I am supposed to and working out about 5 - 6 times a week. Sorry couldn't be more of a help.
  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    At the end of the day I think a good heart rate monitor would be your best tool for tracking true burned calories. These days you can pick up a polar or something like it for a decent price.
  • nerdchiq32
    nerdchiq32 Posts: 20
    At the end of the day I think a good heart rate monitor would be your best tool for tracking true burned calories. These days you can pick up a polar or something like it for a decent price.

    Thanks, I was thinking of getting one
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Step aerobics....if you seriously bust your *kitten* (as in, can't talk, dripping sweat) for 60 minutes...900 calories can be burned with no problem.
    If you are working up a medium sweat and breathing a little hard, you're probably closer to 4-600
    If you are just going through the motions and not really busting anything...200-300 is more like it.

    Its all in what you make of it. The heart-rate monitor would help you guess more accurately.
  • nerdchiq32
    nerdchiq32 Posts: 20
    its was a hard core no nonsense class, i could barely walk home let alone climb the steps to my flat, my body is sore and i have been getting really hungry.. i guess i was suppose to eat back something, i just dont know how much though..
  • beccababe188
    beccababe188 Posts: 2 Member
    If the numbers sound strange to you, you should definitely turn to google! compare a few different websites and choose an average number. you can create your own exercise with those numbers and keep using that one. however, keep in mind that it LARGELY depends on your weight AND intensity level. make sure you find some calculators or data that takes that into account. i like using or just google "calories burned calculator activity by weight" or some variation of that, and pick a few :)

    as far as the "eating back" calories goes... don't do it! The idea of MyFitnessPal is to create a deficit so that you're burning more than you eat. every day it's set at a certain amount compared to what you'd burn by just "living". for example, my daily goal is 1200 calories per day, and i use about 1800 calories a day without exercise. this puts my deficit at 600 calories every day...meaning i should burn 600 more calories than i eat every day if i follow the plan. when i exercise and burn 300 calories, it will increase my daily food goal to 1500. that simply means i *could* eat 300 more calories and still be at my goal of a 600 calorie deficit every day. BUT....the higher the deficit, the better! if i burn 300 calories and still only eat 1200, i'm at a 900 calorie deficit, and reach my goal weight that much more quickly! so there is NO need to eat back the calories...but you could if you wanted to and still be at a steady weight loss pace. (i wouldn't though..why undo the work you just did??! ;) )

    the only thing to keep in mind is: Don't ever consume LESS than 1200 calories a day. that'll put your body in starvation mode and it will start trying to save every bit of food you eat to store as fat. increase your deficit by exercise, not starving yourself less than 1200 cal. hope i helped!
  • beccababe188
    beccababe188 Posts: 2 Member
    you should plan your snacks to get some nutrition directly after a workout though! just keep all your food within your calorie goal. google "healthy post workout snacks" for ideas.
  • nerdchiq32
    nerdchiq32 Posts: 20
    Thanks Becca!! thats what i was thinking!! you just saved me lol. i will do that. thanks again ^.^