Weight Gain Idea - Good or Bad?



  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    Yeah, if your feeling too full, but still need more calories, eat more fatty foods. Not because they will make you fat, but because they are calorie dense. I don't feel more full when I eat a fried egg vs poached, but I am getting more calories. Also, for me anyway, carbs tend to go away in my stomach faster than other things, and I tend to get ravenously hungry afterwards, which is great if you want to put on weight.
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    Oh yeah, and whey protein is actually super cheap ( here in the states anyway) if you look at it per gram of protein. Can you get 40 grams of protein from a dollar worth of chicken?
  • DanceswithWow

    Dances with Wow...

    May the force be with you! Oh My..

    Eating a surplus is not a game so easily played nor is it necessary.. If the math was so easy..there would not be this discussion board..

    I know all will disagree but Calories only works when the body is in homeostasis. If there is a one to one relationship with lipolytic enzymes in the blood stream and enough food energy to keep them potent..

    Other wise..no matter how many calorie eaten unwanted body fat will place the entire metabolic system on lock down.. All systems will be shields on with full protective weaponization on full power..

    Whether it be gaining weight or loosing fat. Calorie count all you want.. manipulate micromanage follow any diet plan, carb plan, eat this not that plan and the result for 100% will be a dead end unless their body is the physio type in need of that approach..

    Other wise DEAD END..

    Calories in s calories out is a complete mis interpretation of what one should do to gain and what one should do to loose..

    You my friend are a boy with testosterone coursing through your veins ..It will be necessary to consume food energy that helps build the potency of this hormone to your advantage. Yes volume places a factor but only as each new pound is reached..

    Muscle grow fats over night but can be lost just as fast because virgin muscle gets dissolved by cortisol..a stress hormone that counter balances muscle mass. which is the real kind of weight you are looking to put on..

    each new pound needs a new level of food energy notice i did not say calories.. food energy.. there is a world of difference..
    Food energy mirrors calories and thats where the confusion..lifes..

    Food energy is your (protein number x the # of days in a week) average frequency /divided by your replenishment index..

    this actually calculates the how your body hormonal will use resources to keep lipolytic enzymes paid in full and to do their job .without triggering unwanted body fat from weaponizing..and raising shields to protect you from useless counter-fit foods.

    I know calories . I know it better than the scientist who thought it up and how its suppose to work..as I was once like every one here emersed..blinded..not seeing the true chain of events associated with human behavior and the evolution of how we eat

    The fallout has been outrageous.. Calories takes weeks to verify authenticate and validate.. if you mess up .. its do over.. You are the sinner.. weakling, no back bone..no inner strength no discipline..

    These are all negative out pourings associated with a barbarian at the gate way of controling something that cannot be controlled by a basic counting system.. 2 plus 2 does not in the body equal balance..it equals hormone imbalance..

    If you dont wish to be a slave to the process..and wish to acquire muscle the way nature would have you to..
    here are the rules..

    Calculate your protein number(Pn#) its the baseline biometric of your metabolic need..This metabolism speak for metabolic master key.. it gives you access to your specific nutrient profile..The whole idea is to make sure you never become metabolically bankrupt or even approach that territory..

    This is not a calorie surplus this a nutrient density..The more nutrients muscle will grow like a weed.. and becasue of testosterone you have.. every week you will witness filling out your frame..

    Its not weeks.. its every three days if you manage to supply the correct profile of protein and keep your workouts where your bdy is demanding a good profile of carbs and beneficial fat...

    There is not a problem with consuming sugar either as long as you keep double digit sugars from seeping over your threshold..

    Yes super hard bodies will frown on the very idea of a foreign amount of sugar..but thats because they know only ONE way to make there bodies develop.. the barbarian at the gate way.. Beat the hell out of it and make it submit..to their demand..at all costs til one day after years of trial and error..they if good fortune would have it BECOME.the image in their minds eye

    Its an addiction to exertion fatique..

    Well i know their way and I know as if i was in the Olympia itself..But thats not my goal..

    But I also know another faster Life force way.. that makes it possible to go forward without worry that you have a life to lead.. that you dont have to become a slave to the process..That people of walks of life can now embrace and not see fitness as alienating free will from will power.

    be that as it may..You want muscle..

    Lean clean and for ever toned..Well start with making sure you have your master key

    Follow the food frequency formula ( two before twelve and two after 2pm)
    Make sure you eat with in 30 minutes of when you finish working out
    Hydrate with Alkalized H2o 8.5 to 9.5
    Every 2.5 pound gain recalculate food energy
    Drop thermostat 5 degrees cooler at night while you sleep -

    As you near 10% of your goal muscle.. switch to a protein cocktail.. of three different sources in one sitting with portion matching the value of your protein number(Pn#)

    Increasing food frequency may be necessary as you approach goal weight..

    Have fun with it...

    thats the Food energy side..
    the weight training.. well

    friend me and maybe I will awaken the fitness within n that too

    mean while my name is

    Dances with Wow
    Looking to emit indomitable life force... friend me..

    You will feel better than I deserve..
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    ^^^^ definition of majoring in the minors/ selling some BS
  • DanceswithWow
    I majored in what you majored in..
    except I toke the red pill.. You choose the blue...

    Steriod use always recoils to the facts..
    Never heard of a lipolytic enzyme.. never heard of a hormone.. yet when they inject themselves thats exactly what they are over riding..

    Interesting..Fortunately..I have two ways to teach what can never be sold..
    Im envious..does this mean I need to post my body building pictures to show my pac wheels and guns..

    Lets not go there.. I have a tan..and lats and legs to die for..
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    except I toke
    This would explain a lot.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Wow, I don't think i have ever seen someone spout so much nonsense.

    I wanted to bold you whole statement but instead I chose just the most ridiculous.

    You should read his profile... it's indecipherable.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Anyway to the OP:

    If you're struggling with getting in enough calories with your current eating style, then you either need to

    a) Change your eating style, or
    b) add some high calorie foods alongside your existing diet (oils, nut butters, cheeses, full fat milk, etc).

    You really need to give an example of the sorts of things you typically eat. Then we can make some intelligent suggestions about how to tweak your diet and get you where you want to be.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I majored in what you majored in..
    except I toke the red pill.. You choose the blue...

    Steriod use always recoils to the facts..
    Never heard of a lipolytic enzyme.. never heard of a hormone.. yet when they inject themselves thats exactly what they are over riding..

    Interesting..Fortunately..I have two ways to teach what can never be sold..
    Im envious..does this mean I need to post my body building pictures to show my pac wheels and guns..

    Lets not go there.. I have a tan..and lats and legs to die for..

    bump....waiting for the book to reach publication.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Wow, I don't think i have ever seen someone spout so much nonsense.

    I wanted to bold you whole statement but instead I chose just the most ridiculous.

    You should read his profile... it's indecipherable.
    Last time I listen to you...........sigh.

    It's a great read though, right?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Wow, I don't think i have ever seen someone spout so much nonsense.

    I wanted to bold you whole statement but instead I chose just the most ridiculous.

    You should read his profile... it's indecipherable.
    Last time I listen to you...........sigh.

    It's a great read though, right?
    It the most self praise I have ever seen on a profile. And here I thought I was arrogant, man.

    "Exercising others and engaging in fitness has allowed me to enjoy a surreal over the top mythological life"

    mythological, huh?
  • LotusAsh
    LotusAsh Posts: 294 Member
    Wow, I don't think i have ever seen someone spout so much nonsense.

    I wanted to bold you whole statement but instead I chose just the most ridiculous.

    You should read his profile... it's indecipherable.
    Last time I listen to you...........sigh.

    It's a great read though, right?
    It the most self praise I have ever seen on a profile. And here I thought I was arrogant, man.

    "Exercising others and engaging in fitness has allowed me to enjoy a surreal over the top mythological life"

    mythological, huh?
    While I agree that's a good one. I'd have to say this one is my favorite so far "I know calories . I know it better than the scientist who thought it up and how its suppose to work"

    he seems like a person that would *kitten* to a picture of themselves
  • Sozu
    Sozu Posts: 18 Member
    (why you are skinny, by Pete), great tips on that video.

    Surplus calories = gaining weight.
    Gaining muscles? get on the surplus calories and MAKE PROGRESS WITH THE LIFTS. Go heavier and heavier at the weight, be on a surplus calorie everyday.
    Get your macros done, follow them and just keep on it.