Name one "bad" food that doesn't taste delicious!



  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    Fried Kool-Aid. Tried it at a fair and it was sad. It's like vaguely Kool-Aid flavored fried dough... and it looked like a giant colon polyp.

  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Ranch dressing.
    Cream soups.
    Potato chips.
    Soggy things like strawberry shortcake, tiramisu.
    Oil, grease, butter.
    Root beer floats.
    Kraft mac n cheese
    Corn dogs.
    Potato/macaroni salad with mayo.
    Alfredo sauce.
    Fake maple syrup. (Mrs Butterworths??)
    Tuna hotdish.
    Wonder bread (white bread)
    Spray cheese
    Hershey's chocolate
    Strawberry pop tarts
    Light beer
    Sour cream
    Lucky charms
    Deep fried anything.

    (I'm having too much fun with this post!)

    H..How did you get oveweight to begin with?!

    According to her profile she's a vegan who was never overweight, not thin, but not fat, just on the higher end of average.

    I'm guessing her aversions sure helped keep her out of the fatass boat most of us found ourselves in.
  • Atrocity108
    Atrocity108 Posts: 328 Member
    I love me some "Bad for ya" food. I really cant think of one that tastes bad, off the top of my head.
  • emkayelle91
    emkayelle91 Posts: 846 Member
    I'm sure I'm alone in this but.. pie. I hate pie of any kind.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    my higher calorie dislikes:

    Big macs and most of the burgers from maccas (too greasy for my liking)
    pork belly
    KFC fried chicken
    Anything from Hungry Jacks aka burger king.

    I used to do mystery shoppers so got paid to eat food. I actually threw out a HJ burger after taking a few bites. I have no idea why anyone would pay to eat that.

    I like a good burger for some reason HJ's especially do not sit well with me.

    Oh and aoli. HATE that stuff.

    I was about half way through this challenge
    when the lady informed me that I had to eat the whole tub full of aoli as well. Started dipping the chips into it and INSTANTLY felt sick. Dislike that a lot!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    coconut oil. Stuff is vile.

    Fried oreos.... hideous.

    Fried butter. Uh, wtf?

    shoo fly pie.

    There we go, 4 things that taste horrid and are bad for you.

    What a fifth?

    English food.

    #1. Coconut oil is fantastic for you

    #2. It has no flavor so how is it vile?

    Just sayin' :)

    Hmm, then why does my Nature's Way Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil...taste like coconuts?
  • gelar93
    gelar93 Posts: 160
    I know everyone is going to hate me but... Peanut butter. I don't like the taste at all
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I know everyone is going to hate me but... Peanut butter. I don't like the taste at all

    we can never be friends. I'm sorry.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Why is no one hating on casseroles? Casseroles are disgusting!
    And shepherd's pie! Blarg! :sick:
    Baked spaghetti
    Swedish meatballs
    any pie whose filling comes from a bag
    those tiny muffins you buy in packets at the grocery store that have fake blueberries
    cinnamon rolls and hot cross buns (the glaze is awful)
    fakey gravy
    instant potatoes
    scalloped potatoes in a box
    movie popcorn with fake butter
    any ice cream that coats the inside of your mouth with chalky stuff
    store-bought coffee cake
    grocery store cake period
    honey mustard
    commercial nachos
    Mtn Dew and Pepsi
    dirty rice
    sugary mixed drinks
  • jamebb
    jamebb Posts: 86 Member
    Pop tarts
    Any cereal that turns your milk funny colors
    Chocolate milk
    Hot dogs
    Chicago deep dish pizza
    American (processed) cheese
    General Tso's chicken
    Kraft mac and cheese
    Twinkies (actually pretty much anything made by hostess and little debbie)
    French toast
    Peanut butter
    Anything made with bananas
    Jello pudding made from a box (ugh my mom made it once, that stuff looked like a bowl of congealing blood)
    Pretty much any baked good out of a box/ or from a supermarket bakery
  • Lol i love food of all shapes, sizes, and "badness"!
    My least favs ~ pickled beets and frozen waxy cheap chocolate (I'd take the real stuff any day!)

    Cream eggs, cream cheese, and creamy everythings make me happy xD
  • ryanna01
    ryanna01 Posts: 67 Member
    I hate potato chips. They are to greasy for me.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    General Tso's chicken
    Twinkies (actually pretty much anything made by hostess and little debbie)
    Pretty much any baked good out of a box/ or from a supermarket bakery

  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    General Tso's chicken
    Twinkies (actually pretty much anything made by hostess and little debbie)
    Pretty much any baked good out of a box/ or from a supermarket bakery


    Agreed all food stated nasty
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    NUTELLA! I hate it!
  • nmwhitney12
    nmwhitney12 Posts: 239 Member
    And Cream Cheese,
    Dark Chocolate,
    Red Wine (ICK)
  • Sonja1211
    Sonja1211 Posts: 58 Member
    Chicken nuggets.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I don't like any chemical-laden foods for the most part, so cheese in a can, Pepsi, anything by Little Debbie, fast food in general grosses me out, and those pretzel nugget things with fake cheese in them.

    I like ice cream, dark chocolate, red wine, etc. but I consider them all good foods when used in moderation and when made with ingredients that come directly from plants or animals.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Chocolate covered cherries.

    I like chocolate. I like cherries. I don't like them together.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Anything by Hostess
    Fried oreos
    Fried pickles
    All candy except Reese's and Swedish Fish
    Pre-wrapped cheese slices
    Frosted donuts
    Hard liquor
    Burger King