Looking for new workouts

I have been doing hardcore Zumba and walking/ now running 6 days a week. I was wondering even with 50lbs left to lose ... what else can i do? Should I start weight training? or would that just build on top of my fat? I hear both sides of that so not sure which is actually true. Thanks in advance!


  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Weight training is always a good thing to do-- it will not add on fat... eating fatty foods will add on the fat! :) When you do weight training, you build muscle which in turn burns fat, even when you're not working out. So there's an excellent benefit to it in that regard. Also, doing pure cardio isn't going to necessarily get you all the results you want and need.

    I don't know if you have weights at home or you go to a gym to do your weight training, but I suggest easing into it. Start off twice a week with light weights and do some easy exercises like biceps, triceps, abs, quad exercises and hamstrings. There are tons of books and youtube videos on strength training --- however, whatever you do, start off with the lightest weight (like 5 lbs) and work your way up so you won't hurt yourself.

    And add in at least a 30 min session of stretching once or twice a week (yoga, whatever). All of that high-impact cardio can lead to injury if you don't take care of those muscles! :)

    My .02!
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Oh, my favorite at home strength training workout is Chalean Extreme -- I get great results from it and I absolutely love it.
  • jrodri0105
    jrodri0105 Posts: 91 Member
    Start lifting weights. Maintain the muscle you have. So when you do lose the 50 lbs of weight you won't look "skinny fat". Many individuals do cardio only and end up loosing weight but are left with a high body fat from the lack of muscle tone.
  • katesch9
    katesch9 Posts: 130
    Yes, lifting weights will actually help you lose fat faster, yay! I highly recommend Fitness Blender's website -- hundreds of free videos including all different exercise types and levels.
  • steran29
    steran29 Posts: 11
    Thanks you guys!!! I shall start my mini weight training today .... i'm super excited :)