Looking to rebuild myself into a badass

What's up everyone! I've been putting this off for far too long...I've been sulking for the past few months and trying to bury my feelings in food but, surprise! That didn't help! So here I am, trying to convince myself that becoming a badass starts with positive self image. And positive self image means stop being a fat [expletive deleted]. I'm 41, divorced after 17 years of marriage, and ready to rebuild. I'm not going to say "start over" because I don't think that's ever really possible. I look at it like as "improving upon the previous model" - the legacy is still there, but I want to be leaner, faster, and stronger.

So yeah, that's me and my goals. Now to see about meeting them.

Thanks for reading!

- Mike


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Badassery is highly underrated. Do you have a plan of attack? I recommend reading through this (if you haven't already):


    And add friends to encourage and inspire you! :bigsmile:
  • wigglypuff
    wigglypuff Posts: 10 Member
    That's so awesome! The best of luck to you. No matter how great the struggle and pain that will arise with fitness and dieting, as long as you keep that strong and determined mindset, you can achieve your goals and level up in badassery lol. Continue posting on mfp and make a habit of logging in your meals. This is a great community, so make yourself at home :)
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    If you've made that choice, I'd say the badassery already abides within you. Just need to match the outside to that inside, now. :)