Anyone else preparing for a bb/bikini comp?

chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
Wouldn't fit in title but bodybuilding, figure, physique, bikini :smile:

Former powerlifter here who is injured and now going to have a crack at a novice bodybuilding show in Septemer. 10 weeks and 2 days to go.

Few Q's.

1. Are you prepping yourself or do you have a coach?

2. If you have a coach, are you on a meal plan or flexible dieting?

3. What is your routine?

4. How much cardio, if any prescribed?

5. How long is your dieting period? And if you know what were you approximate starting and ending BF%?

6. How have you dealt with social situations?

7. What class are you competing in?

1. myself
2. flexible dieting
3. Mon: upper pull
Tue: push + legs
Wed: 1 hr cardio
Thu: full body
Fri: rest
Sat full body + some circuit training
Sun: nothing in particular

I do some low rep stuff (5's or so) and some higher rep (up to 15). Also, been doing a fair bit of myo rep stuff as that is very time efficient for me.

4. see above (sometimes I can fit in a BJJ class also)

5. started dieting officially at the start of May so will be 22 weeks all up to prep. I wanted to give myself plenty of time as I've never been below 7%. Started at approximately 12%. Got a 3 weeks ago at 9% at 84.5kg. Currently 82kg.

6. So far, I've been all good. Have still been able to go out for dinner for friend's birthdays and stuff. Hit the town a few times too (burnt some serious cals on the dance floor :laugh:) I also do intermittent fasting so if I know I have an event on then I eat less during the day. I have turned down a 3 day pissup for a friends bucks weekend though as that is only 4 weeks before comp and not likely to be able to modify eating/activity to suit. (and I am going to engagement party and wedding anyway)

7. Under 80kg Novice BB

So fire away people. Just a random chat. :smile:
