Losing weight without exercise?

Between a project and studying I have become very demotivated to hit the gym everyday... and my only exercise for the day is the walking I get in campus or to home. Is it possible to lose weight without exercise? Or is it slower?


  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    653 posts and you still dont know?

    just eat less
  • ScottDowell
    ScottDowell Posts: 95 Member
    Yes you can do it losing weight without exercise, you can do it by managing or making few healthy changes to your daily diet, you have to adopt some tips like counting calories that you are taking everyday, drink water and green tea before taking meal, eat food that fastly digest, take smaller bites which is easy for chewing and digesting, don't forget to eat breakfast, eat in regular interval of time, take the proper sleep in night.
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    Yes, I lost my first 5kg with walking daily but the last 2kg I haven't done any type of exercise been very unmotivated. I just eat less
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I've lost 40lbs without any exercise whatsoever. I can't do much since I have dysautonomia, so I just count my calories.
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    I lost my first 20lbs through pure calorie control - the fact that then made me feel great and able to do the exercises I had always huffed and puffed before is another matter entirely. :) You can definitely get to your goal weight by sticking to the calorie counting, but the exercise most definitely will get you there that little bit more quickly.
  • gizmo_2014
    gizmo_2014 Posts: 37
    You do not need to exercise to lose weight. All you need is a calorie deficit. You can exercise all you want but if you do not have the proper diet you still won't lose weight. Eat at a deficit and you will see weight loss. Exercise allows you to eat more and with proper diet you can build and maintain muscle mass.
  • AdrianBry
    AdrianBry Posts: 138 Member
    of course you can. you just need to be extra tight on your calorie tracking