Unexpected side benefits of losing weight.



  • ActionJackson
    My aim at the toilet has improved now that I have more to work with.
  • rayfromtx
    My aim at the toilet has improved now that I have more to work with.

    That may be a thread killer. Or maybe they are still on the floor laughing.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I've lost 48 pounds. I'm 2 pounds away from making my halfway mark!! :love:

    I've noticed a size 14 jeans can actually go over my butt and button them up..it's really tight, and my belly hangs out but its something! Before those size 14 only made it halfway up to my legs..just over the knee. So i know from that, I have lost inches as well. That's something to feel proud of! As for anything else, I have more energy then ever before. I can exercise and feel less tired now. That's always a plus! :happy:
  • ActionJackson
    I don't have to pay "fat tax" when buying clothes. That's what I call the $2 extra stores like Wal-Mart charges when buying XXL or larger.

    Seriously... I am more honest with myself. No longer do the lifestyle workarounds that I used to do.
    I don't go out of my way to eat alone. I used to find some hidden place to eat away from coworkers or civilization in general.
    I no longer wear the crotch out of my Dockers every 3 months.
    I save the handicap bathroom stalls for those need it.
    Don't worry about family, friend, etc. talking about my weight or making jokes behind my back... which they all did.
  • maurap26
    maurap26 Posts: 90 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! It's only been 6 weeks for me, but I don't take as many pain pills for my arthritis now.
    I can't wait to start getting more benefits :)
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    More energy!Less pain!Hurray!
  • anniebr
    anniebr Posts: 35 Member
    that is so cool I have been working in another city and got off track. SO, back on.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Being able to run! Being able to hike! Being able to feel like people are thinking GOOD things about me, instead of fearing that they were saying or thinking bad things behind my back. I am more confident. A little more fearless. I not only HAVE goals, i actually BELIEVE i can ACHIEVE them! :)
  • Dreamgirl97
    Dreamgirl97 Posts: 106 Member
    I have not lost much weight at all. However, since I have been working out I noticed this last week that, I have not felt my Plantar Fasciitis. I use to think I would never be able to take hikes or long walks with my DH I almost cried when I realized that the "normal" pain wasn't there.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    More energy - I zoom around at work with the greatest of ease
    More strength - can carry more groceries and take the stairs without being short of breath
    Better sex life
    Not being self-conscious listing my weight on my driver's license
    Getting hit on by teenagers - lol
    Discovering my husband is a braggart

    The only true side effect in a bad way is I get cold a lot easier and my bra size went down :ohwell:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The only true side effect in a bad way is I get cold a lot easier and my bra size went down :ohwell:

    Yeah, tell me about it. I dread shopping at Victoria's Secret since I have lost weight, cause oftentimes they don't carry my size. It's too dang small. :brokenheart:

    But for good side effects, I don't go through a bottle of baby powder once a month anymore to soothe the inner thigh heat rashes I used to get from just walking...

    I don't have to use as much deodorant or body spray...I don't know what it is about large amounts of body fat, but it sure does tend to smell...

    I don't have asthma anymore! I used to carry an inhaler around with me, but I haven't used it in years since I started losing weight. I was the one in the aerobics classes in the gym hiding in the back cause I didn't want everyone to see me use my inhaler...now I don't have to! I can breathe again.

    I can play with cats and dogs without getting tired...and I can play with my friend's kids without pooping out either. How many overweight people have you seen have trouble doing those activities? It makes me sad for them and I wanna help them all out!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    well I cut out soda entirely back in Dec. 2009. I haven't drank one drop. a month ago my evil friends tricked me into taking a sip of coke and I immediately got a headache like effect. well thats good! more reason never to drink it again! I now get headaches!
  • rayfromtx
    I just found another one.

    My Dr. wanted to put me on blood pressure medicine. My blood pressure is now down to 115 over 72 without medication.
  • smsummers
    I don't have to pay "fat tax" when buying clothes. That's what I call the $2 extra stores like Wal-Mart charges when buying XXL or larger.

    Seriously... I am more honest with myself. No longer do the lifestyle workarounds that I used to do.
    I don't go out of my way to eat alone. I used to find some hidden place to eat away from coworkers or civilization in general.
    I no longer wear the crotch out of my Dockers every 3 months.
    I save the handicap bathroom stalls for those need it.
    Don't worry about family, friend, etc. talking about my weight or making jokes behind my back... which they all did.

    You, my friend, are FUNNY. :laugh: I love your posts, you tell it like it really is. Congrats on your success!