Bob Harper Challenge

Some of you might enjoy this simple, (hard) 3 minute challenge!


  • brookenicole12
    it looks so easy and so hard at the same time lol i think i might give it a try
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I bought Bob Harper workout video called BOB HARPER inside out method. OH BOY! theres tw0 workouts. Theres two workouts on the dvd. First one is a 25 minutes beginners, not to bad but I pitty any beginner and the second workout is about 69 minutes and its brutal. I only got a little over half done and I had to give up. I hurt in places I never knew I had! But he kicks more butt than the 30 days shred by far. Its something you can get better at over time but I wouldnt do this everyday by no means. I say it beats p90x as well. I got it at walmart for 13.97.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    I may have to try that
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    The clip is not the same video Im talking about. I guess he has several. The one Im talking about is all about using weights and cardio.
  • WonderNoodle
    yeah kelly, the clip is from his online challenges he posts all the time. his videos are always awesome. one of my girlfriends tried his "biggest loser yoga" and she is quite fit....she came in the next day at work and told me he killed her! YOGA!

    if you go to he posts many of these short but brutal challenges.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    He sure do work ya! I keep this up I'll have buns of! I was so so tired after last night. I knew I had to stop before I really hurt myself. I fastforward to the cooldown and I was unable keep my arms and legs still. I think Im only going to try it once a week just so it can give me a butt kick and make sure I dont have to go to work the next just in case:)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,430 Member
    bumping to check out later although I hate to work out at home-=too many distractions!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I bought Bob Harper workout video called BOB HARPER inside out method. OH BOY! theres tw0 workouts. Theres two workouts on the dvd. First one is a 25 minutes beginners, not to bad but I pitty any beginner and the second workout is about 69 minutes and its brutal. I only got a little over half done and I had to give up. I hurt in places I never knew I had! But he kicks more butt than the 30 days shred by far. Its something you can get better at over time but I wouldnt do this everyday by no means. I say it beats p90x as well. I got it at walmart for 13.97.

    I just started the Inside Out!! I LOVE IT! I was crazy exhausted, but I think it is great!!! I cannot do it every day either...but I will a few times a week. I also do 30 day shred too...I will probably alternate Bob's video with the Billy Blanks one...they are both pretty extreme cardio...and that is what I need! Still have lots to lose! :bigsmile: