could my scale be broken?

Hey guys, i really need help with this one. So i have been on this journey since march and have lost about 12 pounds. For the first three months i was falling off the wagon every other week but still managed to get to 154, i started at 163. These past couple weeks i have been logging and everything but every time i weigh myself the scale goes down, i mean i weigh myself a couple times a week and it is always low, i could even cheat and still be losing weight. As of monday i was at 152.4 and today I am at 151.2. Could it be my scale or am i really losing weight that fast? and if i am, that cant be healthy at all. PLEASE HELP!


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    its more than likely a water weight difference that you are seeing, otherwise it could be the scale. if you are tracking calories correctly as you say then there is no need to worry. a 1.2 lb loss of fat would equal a 4200 calorie deficit, so unless you ate nothing and went for a 5 k run i wouldnt worry too much about this short term weight loss
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It is likely that you are seeing natural weigh fluctuations and they just happen to be low. On Monday I was 185 and today I'm 182...I'm in maintenance and I can assure you that loss wasn't a big fat loss or maintenance trend is around 182 but I can get as low as 178 and as high as 186 or so with natural body weight fluctuations.

    If the trend continues the way it is and you feel that it is too fast then just eat a bit more to compensate. But you really need to see the trend over a matter of's quite possible that you will have a water weight gain shortly and then you'll be like WTF, why am I gaining.

    Track the trend, not day to day weigh ins.