Attention: New Runners!

khollyk Posts: 150 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been doing c25k for a few weeks now and finally made it down to the local running store. I had noticed a little pain in my feet here and there, but nothing major, but just wanted to see what my options were on new shoes. SO glad I went! The guy had me take off my shoes and he checked the bottoms to see if my weight was being evenly distributed while running (it wasn't) and also looked at my feet flat, and then had me bend with my knees forward to check out my arch. My current shoes were all wrong for me, even though I wasn't noticing THAT much discomfort!
Then he brought over 4 pairs and I we tried them all on and he told me the benefits of each, and I was able to figure out which was most comfy. Now I have a wider pair of shoes that provides the stability that my other shoes were lacking. (When I took my other shoe off he was able to tell immediately that my ankles were rolling in during runs, because my shoes were actually sloped to the side!)
Anyways, point of this post: If you're new to running, and serious about making it a lifestyle change, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to head down to your local running store to get fitted for some proper shoes. *Bonus* They'll have all the info and schedules for upcoming 5k's!


  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    yup.. high fives

    I have one pair of expensive shoes that I use for running. If you're investing in shoes go somewhere that takes the time to fit you right. If the first demand is "take off your shoes and walk across the floor for me so I can watch your stride" then you know that you're in the right place :)

    I'm on C25K.. just starting week 5
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    What kind did you end up buying? Great info thank you! I just bought some new Nike air something or other that the guy said was great for running but then again they thought shocks were the best running shoe around at some point also...
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I just downloaded the C25K app for my iPod. I'm glad I saw this post!

    I have another question - when do you train? I get up at 4:30 AM on weekdays and it's starting to get dark by the time I get home. I live in a rural area (so, not a lot of streetlamps and no sidewalks at all). I'm concerned about running in the dark. I can pretty easily train on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Should I wait to start training until spring?
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Thanks so much for posting this. I'm going to be starting the C25K soon. I'd really never thought about the seriousness of the shoes. Thanks!
  • Once I started running in the shocks, It hurts my back to run in anything else:indifferent:
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I just downloaded the C25K app for my iPod. I'm glad I saw this post!

    I have another question - when do you train? I get up at 4:30 AM on weekdays and it's starting to get dark by the time I get home. I live in a rural area (so, not a lot of streetlamps and no sidewalks at all). I'm concerned about running in the dark. I can pretty easily train on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Should I wait to start training until spring?

    don't put it off!

    I train outdoors as much as I can. I live in Canada so the days are short and the weather is crap! On days when I can't train outdoors I go to my local workout facility that has an indoor track. Its $3/use.

    Seriously, don't put it off. Just do what you can when you can.
  • Thank you for this post!! I was already planning on buying new running shoes this weekend, I know my old shoes are not working for me. I just started the c25k and finished the first week. I really do want to make running a part of my routine and lifestyle, and in order to do this, I know I need the right shoes. I am going to go to a running store to make sure that I get the right ones for me. Thank you for sharing your experience with this. Good luck on your running and fitness goals!!
  • khollyk
    khollyk Posts: 150 Member
    I ended up getting a pair of Pearl Izumi's, which I had honestly never heard of, but I checked out the website and they actually seem to be a pretty legit running brand, which is cool.

    Southcoastsweet -- I usually run pretty much right when I get home, when it's just starting to dim outside. At the running store they also had tons of accessories. I saw some reflector things that kind of looked like slap bracelets that I considered getting too. Could you maybe get a running partner, if you're not comfortable going alone? Another idea, maybe go during your lunch break -- the c25k's only take about 30 minutes, so run, quickly rinse off in the shower (or some girls I work with just wipe down with baby wipes) and eat a healthy home packed lunch on your way back to the office. If I were you, and motivated to start now, I wouldn't let a little thing like sunlight deter me...because it would most likely turn into something I'd end up just keep pushing off.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I can't agree enough with what khollyk just said. I got my first official pair of running shoes for my bday in September. My original pair worked fine, but these new ones are so much nicer and the people running the store took their time to really made sure I had the right shoes for my running style. They are pricey, but it's money well spent, especially when you consider the injuries it may save you one day!
  • florasweets
    florasweets Posts: 50 Member
    great post! Excellent advice!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Thanks for the advice. Maybe I can convince my husband to run with me. The reflector things sound good, too.
  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    I had also just started the c25k program and was having a lot of trouble with my shins, ankles and heels. I did some online research and decided on a few changes, one of which was my shoes. I am sooo glad I did because the problems I was having are all now resolved! The right shoes really can make a big difference! I actually stopped doing the c5k program and switched to a c210k instead, longer workouts but they go up much more gradually than the c25k, now in week 4 and can actually run 2 straight minutes!
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