Eating when on the road

I sometimes drive a lot for work... I will be out marketing or talking to customers and I'm not able to come and eat or even pack a lunch. What are any suggestions other than trying to eat healthy at a fast food rest. (if any, I know that may be it). Have any of you ever had this same problem and if so, how id d you work around it? Thanks!


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    if i have a day of driving ahead i just pack some easy snacks like protein bars and fruit. some days ill even pack a soft cooler with a sandwich and whatnot.

    if this is a regular occurrence i would either get some meal replacement bars and keep them in your car or start packing a lunch that you can take with you in the car. there's never a good reason why you cant pack a lunch
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Pack a cold lunch. There are many good, insulated bags and you can buy little freezer packs to put in there. I'd advise bringing real silverware because plastic is a pain on a regular basis. You'll need to bring the lunch bag in, anyway, so might as well.

    If you want soup, you could get a hydroflask. Those things keep stuff HOT for 12 good hours and cold for at least 24. My ice was still ice like 15 hours into it. They're a bit of a pain to wash, but they work. :)
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    this can be my downfall too. in 2013 I was on the road 93 days, this year not so bad, but have like 2 months of travel coming up. Its really hard when i travel internationally as the food choices are rough.
  • freakhazerd2424
    freakhazerd2424 Posts: 611 Member
    I'm a truck driver so i feel you. I usually bring some kind of wrap with me. I change the ingredients ever few weeks to keep it from getting boring. Then I bring a snack. Now it's a few hard boiled eggs. I also keep some low calorie crackers and a fruit cup in case I'm really hungry or my day lasts longer than I thought. Also i fill up a huge water bucket/bottle thing I bought at walmart. I put some ice in it and fill it up when I leave the house and it's pretty much as much ice water as I can drink for the day. Just don't get in the habit of grazing out of boredom not becouse your hungry. My pro tip is to keep the food in the trunk or back seat. Somewhere you can't get it without getting out of the car and actually planning and realizing your eating.

    I forgot to say I put it in a insulated lunch bag. I've eaten food from there after working 14 hours and it may not be cold but it doesn't go bad. After 14 hours of working I don't care if it's cold or not anyway.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Despite my busy life, I make time for the important things. Prepare grab and go foods beforehand like boiled eggs, egg salad, tuna salad, string cheese, block cheese, protein bars, fiber bars, low-sodium trail mix, fruits, yogurt, etc. Store a cooler in your vehicle to keep your food and water/fluid. Search online menus ahead of time to make sure the items you select at restaurants fit into your calories limit.