Struggling to Get Back on Track! Need advice!

I've been taking medicine for depression and borderline for the last 3 years and my pills cause me to gain weight. Plus, they increase my appetite so I've been eating almost all the time. I've gained a lot of weight during this period of time and once, I even tried to get fit and almost succeeded! I worked out everyday, ate clean and everything. I lost some weight but then I signed up for a gym with a bad trainer and ended up giving myself a bad back pain. I stopped working out and ate a lot of bad food. Lost all my inspiration. Now my hips measure 34 inches whereas I used to be just 29-30". I want to get back on track. I want to so badly that it becomes a pressure to me sometimes. But with my personality disorder, I find it EXTREMELY hard to do things which I'm reluctant to do. Like working out. I bought an Orbitrek and worked on it for only 10 days before I gave up.

Within this week, I've been trying to get myself in check, lessening the number of calories I eat per day. I'm getting there, but without exercise. Can anyone advice me how to do this properly in my situation? To make working out look more attractive. To find my lost inspiration. To start without putting it off.

Also, I can't find a decent gym anywhere close to where I live. So I will have to do this on my own. Anything you might have to say will be helpful. Thank you!


  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    Find something you like to do . . . walking or hiking, bike riding, swimming, tennis . . . start with that and develop a routine of going out every morning to do that activity. Find a friend to go with you and motivate each other. You can do it, and once it becomes a routine you will find that you miss it when something comes up and you have to skip a day.
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Your body composition depends on your diet. If you eat good foods and keep a balanced macronutrient ratio, you can get to wherever you want to be.

    Weight lifting is a great way to speed up your results but its not the only way to get there.

    Cardio is a good way to get your heart in shape and boost your energy levels but it will not make you skinny either.

    Track your foods and stay within your ratios and calorie levels and you'll be good to go!

    As far as lifting goes...I had to move my weight bench into my bedroom in order to start. I literally tripped over it in the mornings for a few days before I could actually get started...but now i'm motivated as heck. I went from 28% body fat to 16% (today) and i'm all set to get to 10% by October!

    If you want to lift, I would stick to the main compound movements like Squats, Deadlifts, various presses, various pulls, and when doing cardio i would do intervals where you give it a bunch of effort for 30-60 seconds then catch your breath for 30-60 seconds and repeat.
  • Jusylte
    Jusylte Posts: 4 Member
    Go to the sport shop and try few outfits for different sport. Find one you like yourself in. That will give you a motivation to exercise and help to pick a discipline for the first time. I like to have nice outfits for all sports I'm doing. I feel dressed up every time I do a workout. Speedo makes amazing swim suits in all colors. Nike has a beautiful running skirts. Tennis dresses usually sweet from all brands, and yes - you can run in it too. I pick bicycles by colors and weight(lightest carbon frames). Compression shorts\leggins\t-shirts are not very good in colors usually(mostly black), but they make you looks slim and tone. Rash guards much better in colors and have the same compression effects. I like them with water sport shorts, but not able to use this set very often. Once I feel my motivation leaving me I go shopping or sign myself for race.
  • Odinisgod
    Odinisgod Posts: 46 Member
    If you could take all of the benefits from exercise, condense it into a pill form, it would be the wonder drug of all time.

    I wouldn't stress about joining a gym at this point, especially if you have a history of injury. Walking is pretty low impact, easy, and free, and just happens to be phenomenal exercise.

    Exercise is not necessary to lose weight, but you do it for the health benefit, and if you commit the time and energy to do it, it can help overall willpower to reduce overeating in general.