Just signed up

Hello All,
I just signed up yesterday I hope that this can help me reach my goal weight.


  • lefrance12
    Welcome to a wonderful place!!!:smile:
  • chickennotbread
    cool! I just signed up today. I just noticed how much food I may have forgotten- when I try to track how much I've eaten mentally.
  • hisgirlie2007
    good luck! I just joined today. One thing I immediately noticed after logging the food I ate daily, is all of the food I've eaten and almost forgot.
    Try tracking your food before you eat it. That way you can actively change what you eat instead of going "oops...too late" at the end of the day when you thought you were doing well.
  • Lulu3500
    I just signed up today. In a moment I will take my dogs for a walk - my plan is to walk the dogs daily which should help me to lose weight and for my dogs to be happier.
  • karthikeyaraja
    cool...its really gud place to keep ur fitness / reduce ur weight...all the best
  • johniakay
    Welcome....you can add me as a friend if you like..I joined almost a week ago...I bit of advice log your food after you eat or write it down or you'll forget...Good luck
  • anniebr
    anniebr Posts: 35 Member
    I signed up a couple of weeks ago but went out of town. Now, I am back and ready:love: to begin. I hope I can do this. :
  • loris52
    Hi there, just signed up...first week....really good website, love it!!! Not counting all the calories i eat though!!!...its the weekends that throw me off!!! c x