Tempted by FREE goodies !! Help!!

I don't know why I do this... If there is "free" readily available food I will eat it even if I'm not hungry or even strongly craving it. I don't buy cake or cookies and I don't eat dessert in restaurants but if there is cake in the break room or at a party I'm all over it. Same with any other snack food.

Anyone else deal with this weird issue? Any thoughts?


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I was like that, lol. There is a Ghirardelli here that hands you a free square every time you go in. When we were near it, we'd go in just to get the free square, lol.

    Then I cut that stuff out and I pass on by. They even pump the lovely smell of chocolate and ice cream out into the air to tempt people to go in. I brace myself and hum a little Dionne Warwick "Walk On By (don't stop), Walk On By...":)

    Mind over matter. You can do it. :)
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    Used to.

    Now I just say "no". You don't need it or want it. You're not hungry, it doesn't make you happy and it doesn't serve a purpose to eat it. Look if you want, but when you reach the table, go for the vegetables.

    Now, if I have cake and such, I will - but I make it a conscious decision. I look at it, take a small bit of it, and make an event out of eating it. I enjoy it. Don't just eat it because it's there - it's a waste of good food! Eat it if you really, really want it. Make it count and really taste it. Then you can say you've eaten it. Now I find it's rare that I find a piece of cake that truly tastes good - but when I do find one, man. It's heaven - and it's not going to make me fat.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Make it fit. Accept small over indulgences. Keep track, even when you do so. Learn to slowly accept moderation into your diet .I still have issues with certain food, namely chips, and chex mix like things. ..cookies. but I've learned to live with them. I occasionally have a day when I'm not so guarded but it doesn't effect my long term goals because I stay accountable and 99% of the time are on target with my goals.
  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    It's called self-control, learn it.
  • cecpowers
    cecpowers Posts: 4
    I have the exact same problem. I even tell myself I don't need/ want it and it really isn't that good and my mind agrees with me. But seconds later I am eating it and sometimes I don't realize how I went between the two mind sets. It is something I am trying very hard to work on but is one of the hardest feats of determination I have had. I am always very surprised by it.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I like free stuff. You're lucky.
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    It's called self-control, learn it.
    I wish we had a like button. I like you.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Tell me where you office is and I will come and eat all the cake so you don't have to be tempted.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Either make it fit into your day, or get some self-control. Sitting at your desk and pretending you're swamped with work coupled with a simple "no thank you" can go a long way.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Either make it fit into your day, or get some self-control. Sitting at your desk and pretending you're swamped with work coupled with a simple "no thank you" can go a long way.

    You work for the government too?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Giving up sweets was actually the easiest thing for me. Sodium is the hardest. Red meat was a struggle and remains one.

    But sweets - it's just so easy to cut them out entirely. It quickly becomes a habit and then doesn't even bother you.

    Snacks are kind of an issue because I like my salsa, but all the good chips are full of fat. Other than that, it wasn't too hard to cut chips and nuts and stuff.

    Maybe it's just me! But quitting junk food, though a little rough at first, was the easiest of all the diet changes and the one that I seriously don't struggle with.

    Sodium. That's the bane of my existence. :)
  • AnnaVictorya
    I think I know how you feel! I never buy any snacks or unhealthy food. But because I am so strick with what I am eating - when someone brings me a HUGE bag of chips I will eat it on my own! We have family visiting every month with a TON of food I woud never buy and I find it impossible to resist - it's like it's only once a month, its ok.

    It is so easy to say 'get will power' 'get fit' 'lose weight', it is just general advice thank you, Like we dont know it, doh!

    When you are counting everything you eat on end, excercise like crazy and then there are cakes and chips and all that stuff all over with everyone in 'celebratory mood' good luck with your 'get willpower'.

    I think the key is to
    1) track it all, every last bit
    2) allow yourself some occasionaly, but keep it special.
    3)Pack some healthier treat if you know there will be temptations ( I have it at work - always sweets and cookies and muffins, etc!) so I try to pack something nice and healthy for me!
    4) when my partner waves his chock chip cookies in front of my nose - all sugar and 250calories a piece I go for a sliced apple and peanut butter.

    This coming weekend I have family coming over - will see how my resolution stands against it all the junk food!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Wish people would stop labeling food as junk. Unless, you're taking uneaten food from garbage cans. Then, sure. Junk food. Makes sure it's clean junk food though because you know...clean eatings
  • AnnaVictorya
    Sigh I agree on the sodium! I dont care for the cakes, just give me my salty spicy savory snacks, chips, pickles, you name it! :(
  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    Giving into temptation is a weakness, even thinking about it. Eliminate that way of thinking and eliminate the weakness.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Wish people would stop labeling food as junk. Unless, you're taking uneaten food from garbage cans. Then, sure. Junk food. Makes sure it's clean junk food though because you know...clean eatings

    Like the Extreme Cheapskates people?
  • Gingersfit
    Gingersfit Posts: 31
    I have a self imposed rule that I won't eat it if I didn't bring it. We have so many candy bowls and office celebrations that I can't afford to eat even the smallest amounts of it. I stay away from the vending machine completely and go to celebrations but don't eat. Not my food.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Wish people would stop labeling food as junk. Unless, you're taking uneaten food from garbage cans. Then, sure. Junk food. Makes sure it's clean junk food though because you know...clean eatings

    Like the Extreme Cheapskates people?

    How long do you think mayonnaise is good on that half eaten 6 in sub in Laura's trashcan? Maybe lick the wrapper to test?
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I have a self imposed rule that I won't eat it if I didn't bring it. We have so many candy bowls and office celebrations that I can't afford to eat even the smallest amounts of it. I stay away from the vending machine completely and go to celebrations but don't eat. Not my food.
    I'm not sure why, but I always look disfavourably on candy bowls in the office. I view them as a secret plot. Namely because I'm the *kitten* who'd put a candy bowl on my desk if I hated my coworkers and goad them all into eating it. Fortunately, I like my coworkers.

    Slow revenge is good revenge.
  • AnnaVictorya
    What's wrong with junk?

    Have you looked at ingredients of all that? Like all the flavourants, colourants, preservatives, flavour enhances - all what belongs in a chemical lab and not in one's stomach.

    Does strawberry fizzy drink have anything to do with strawberries? 10 to 1 not. BBQ Beef chips? I think not.

    Strangely enough, it is the snacks, sweets and take always that are full of it - that stuff does not even go off or rot.

    Junk is a very mild word IMHO. Total GARBAGE might fit it better.