Need Support !!!

durangogal Posts: 7
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Now that I'm 48, I realized that my weight has played with my brain for too many years to count. I yo-yo diet and once I get started, I do really well, and then I plateau. Have thyroid issues (seems everyone does) and have that under control finally! Dropped 50# in the first year on meds, but that still left me at 316. I don't want to see 50 at this weight.

I found out my insurance pays for the YMCA at a great discount so I joined. Started treadmill 2x a week - like going alone, plug in my Ipod headphones & walk a mile, would love to go further, but that takes 35 min. I started making plans for a September end vacation, went and haven't been back to YMCA since. I thought I'd like a friend to work out with, but then all we do is talk & walk and I almost prefer to be by myself, zoned out in my music and just walking.

So.....I need help to motivate me back to the gym. I weigh in monthly at the MD office and skipped Nov appt......yesterday a letter arrives from my MD (no kidding!!) and he reminds me of the missed weigh-in and tells me he hopes I haven't given up and wants to hear about my progress asap! Oh boy.......that should be motivation enough right? Still today, can't find the energy to get my sweats on & go.

I love Myfitnesspal app on the Ipod, started it in August 2010. It keeps me motivated to weigh in. Couldn't believe it tho when I synched it and then looked on-line??? I'm down 19# from when I started so, guess I WAS doing something right. I promise, I'll stay in touch, just bookmarked this site on the desktop and I will head to the gym Monday!

I am seriously considering gastric bypass for next spring, hence the monthly MD & gym visits, but I need to change my lifestyle to keep it up after the surgery. Energy is a huge issue for me as well as motivation! No little kids that "need" me anymore & hubby is physically fit ! Makes it difficult to get motivated for myself.



  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    You are in a catch 22. You want to go, but say you can't get motivated or find the energy to get going. Stop waiting til "you feel like it". As the commercial says, "Just Do It". Stop waiting til you "feel like it", otherwise, you may never get moving. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • k8ieP
    k8ieP Posts: 54
    I think the best way to motivate yourself to get to the gym is to write a schedule for the whole week. Decide how many days a week you would like to work out and what times and put them on the calender!! That is the first step. Next step is having some great music to listen to that motivates you to move. Something you would dance to. Listen to that while you work out. Also, I don't really know you or anything but I bet you can go to the gym more than twice a week and I think you can walk a lot faster. Just take it a step at a time and know that you have the support of the good people on this website. Log your food accurately and remove the bad stuff from your home and your life.
    Most importantly you have to make the choice to love yourself enough to make a life change that will be permanent. Have a party to celebrate your healthy beginning and invite friends and family to join you in your quest. Serve only veggies!! :bigsmile:

    I think you can do it. You just have to decide to do it and accept that it will be very very difficult but very very worth it.
    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • adriannz
    adriannz Posts: 29 Member
    Don't worry about how long it takes you to walk a mile! Not everyone can go out and run a 5K the moment they decide to lose weight... some people have to take baby steps.

    Next time you go to the gym walk your mile... and then tack on another minute of walking, even if you have to struggle through it. When it becomes sorta-ok to go that extra minute add on another minute. Keep doing that until you're walking for 40 minutes. Then back off back down to 35 minutes BUT increase the speed just one "beep" up. Baby steps... but important steps! Before you know it you'll be doing a mile in 20 minutes - and who knows from there?!

    And let me just add ... I'm definitely one of those baby step people!
  • lizzie888
    lizzie888 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Durangogal, I do know what you mean. I actually enjoy the gym but still get caught up in that "don't feel like it' trap. A liitle girl once explained how she was able to do something that really makes her nervous...she tells herself "1, 2, 3, GO!". No thinking. It is the same as "Just do it!" but adorable. That really touched me. So I copied her mantra when I start thinking about going the gym...1, 2, 3, GO!... don't give myself time to think of reasons not to. Also have thyroid issues but they are unresolved so I am not losing weight at all. I am quite successful at my cardio goals however, and that keeps me encouraged. All the best to you.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I've never been a gym person. If I have to go somewhere I won't do it. So all my workouts are done at home. Buying a treadmill was the best money I ever spent. I'm on my second one, having burned out the motor on the first with ten years of use.

    Think about it. It's an investment in you.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    You need a virtual gym buddy, someone who also likes going to the gym alone. You both share your goals and report your workouts to each other. Works pretty well in a situation like yours!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I notice that you only have 1 friend on MFP. I think you need to branch out and invite some folks to be friends with you on here. I don't have that many on MFP but the ones I do have are great at encouragement and motivation.

    I'm going to send you a friend request and maybe we can motivate each other. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm a 1-2-3-go girl myself. I hate gyms. I want to be totally alone when I exercise. I love Leslie Sansone's walk away the pounds videos. Part of my motivation is wanting to buy cute clothes and be comfortable in them. I am making progress slow and steady. Like a turtle. Ha ha.
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    One day at a time my friend :)
  • are so right! I told my husband this am that I need to get back to the gym and he said "I don't know why you quit going?".......So, he IS supportive in his own way I guess! :)

    I already have the gym clothes washed & in the tote bag and in the truck. I WILL take it in tomorrow to work & I WILL change and go directly to the gym after work. You are also right, I could probably go more days than just Mon & Wed but I needed a place to start. Told my hubby that I was going to also pay the $35 to the trainer to get an assessment and a work-out plan in place. He asked if I needed the $$ today............what a sweetie!

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement - I needed it!! I promise I'll stay posting, current & active!
    Happy Sunday!
  • HI .............HOw are you doing????
  • lizzie888
    lizzie888 Posts: 6 Member
  • lizzie888
    lizzie888 Posts: 6 Member
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