First Day of Insanity and I could only do 10 mins!

Hello, I just purchased the Insanity DVDs and I decided to try it out today. Holy crap! I am so out of shape. I could basically get through the first warm up then my heart was pounding so hard and I couldn't catch my breath. I kept taking breaks and got back in once my heart rate slowed a bit but then I only lasted another minute or so. I was almost in tears! Any encouragement would be great. I really want to lose weight and become healthy.


  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Work at your own pace. Take breaks when you need them.

    I'd like to think I'm in decent shape, but Insanity kills me every time.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Maybe you shouldn't start out with Insanity. You could try a different workout program, maybe like 30 day shred, until you build up some strength so you aren't discouraged.

    If you want to stick with Insanity, just take breaks and let yourself catch your breath. Don't push yourself too hard or you'll just get hurt.

    **I've never attempted Insanity, I just have heard its a totally "insane" program =]
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    The fit test?

    I think it's designed to... You slowly build up. If it's a different work out, same thing, you will be doing it again later in the week. It's hard at first but eventually you end up taking less breaks.

    Also don't feel pressured by the people in the video, at one point the instructor actually says to one of the people: "Come on Rachel (I can't remember her name), you're a fitness instructor aren't you?" So basically... these people are superhuman anyway and you should see how tired some of them get. There's another video where one guy stops working out like 5 times in the whole video. He just gives up.

    So don't beat yourself up about it!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    #1 - Do not use Insanity as a gage for how inshape you are.
    #2 10min today 12 min tomorrow.
  • Beautifulreflections
    Beautifulreflections Posts: 86 Member
    Its likely that you lasted 8 minutes longer than I would have. Insanity or anything even slightly similar just ain't for me.

    That being said don't give up. Keep building on the last session. Next time - go 12 minutes. And its great that you took a breather and got back to it when you felt like you could. That can do attitude will serve you well.

    Stick with it a while, if you hate it and it doesn't get easier, move on to something else that you DO enjoy and you can make gains in.

    Good luck!
  • vegwrangler
    vegwrangler Posts: 143 Member
    I did the fit test on Sunday and I'm pretty sure my soul died a little on the inside sometime after 10 minutes. The warmup had me sweating more than running a mile! Several of the test elements I barely could do 2 or 3 of them and I'll be honest, I cried. When it was over and I made it to the cool down sets, I realized how lucky I am. That teeny little bouncy girl had to exert so much more effort to raise the bar in 60 days. Me, I could half *kitten* through the first 3 weeks and be way more likely to triple my test results just by week 4. See, it's all about perspective ;-).

    Truth is, you're a trooper for trying it. By the time the first month is over, you'll be a WARRIOR for keeping up with it.

    I'm going to shelf my Insanity discs for a bit and give PiYo a go. It looks more like my kind of jam ;-).
  • MissAmber520
    I haven't sweat like that for..I don't know how long. It's definitely the hardest workout I've ever done. I'm going to stick with it. Some workout is better than no workout right? Thanks for your input :):):)
  • amgerbin
    amgerbin Posts: 49 Member
    Stick with it. I'm on week 3 and I still pretty much hate Shawn T everyday. I haven't lost anything but my clothes are definitely fitting better. And it makes me proud when I get through the entire circuit. Those fit tests are key - they show you that you are improving! When I added 5 power jumps to my number, I was so happy! (By the way, no one should, for any reason, have to jump vertically like that!) :)

    Hang in there. It will fly by. But be sure to change the conversation in your head. Even after 10 min, you have done more than most people. Celebrate the strength of your legs and core and arms. Give thanks to your lungs and those deep breaths that you can do!
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    OR.... you can look at it this way:

    First day of Insanity & I did a FULL 10 MINUTES!!!

    Congrats on being brave enough to take the Insanity Challenge! :smile:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I did 1 round of Insanity years ago. I hated Tanya and Shawn T both but I was in the best shape ever when I was done. I just started it again this week because I want to feel that good again.

    If it makes you feel better, Tanya got married and had a baby before they filmed T25 and she's a mere mortal now.
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 398 Member
    @shakemybooty It's funny that you say you hated Tanya! My workout buddy and I HATE her. Every time we curse at her to make ourselves feel better... I'm gonna have to look her up now!

    To the OP, Insanity is rough. And you probably won't even see results until Month 2. This is my second time doing the program and I've gained a pound or two on the first month. What is important is setting fitness-oriented goals. Saying "I'm gonna get through 12 minutes or 15 minutes.. etc" will keep you motivated :)

    My personal goal is to be able to do the entire warmup without stopping for a break (all three circuits). So far I can get through the second 123-heisman. Every day I try to go a little further :) And I'm seeing results!

    Just keep pushing, but don't push so hard that you hurt yourself :) You got this and if you need support feel free to friend me!
  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    I've been doing it for 3 weeks (only 4-5 times a week) and it still kills me. The important thing I've found is just to get to the end of it. Sounds easy, I know. I've found that taking breaks all the time is fine- even during the warm up if you need them. Also, if you can't do any particular activity then pick which ever one out of jogging, squats, push ups and basketball jumps is closest to it. That way you're still working out but at a lesser level until your fitness catches up with the program. Just TRY the activity every time- at some point you'll be able to do it.

    With insanity if you feel like you can do it then you're not working hard enough. Just keep going. From a very unfit person- it does get better.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    That is 10 minutes MORE than you have ever done before.

    GREAT JOB! Keep building on that.
  • 2Dozen
    2Dozen Posts: 66 Member
    Stick with it, you will get better.
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    I just did my two-week fit test yesterday, and doubled some of the exercises! Don't sweat it too much. It's meant to be hard to get you in shape fast! But one lesson I learned, is go at your own pace. Don't try to keep up with them, do what you can do... but push yourself. I find I'm able to do more and more every day! I love it!
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    Everyone has to start somewhere.
  • LITtlerMeCO
    LITtlerMeCO Posts: 130 Member
    Congratulations, I really mean it. If you keep it up you will get better. In October I went up Nap Hill (a steep sand hill). I had to stop multiple times, I was winded, I wanted to quit/cry/feel the defeat, but I made it. Two weeks ago I half ran/walked up it. It took less time to get up the hill and I was just a little winded when I got to the top. Two friends were with me that stayed in the boat and made comments like "why are you sliding backwards", "can't you move any faster", but one friend went up the hill with me. When I told her how this time was better than last time she let me know that she was proud of me. When we got down off the hill I explained to the two in the boat how this time was different than the last and that regardless of what they thought I was getting stronger.

    Surround yourself with people who will celebrate your successes, ignore the ones that focus on what you can't or didn't do, your effort will pay off and you will succeed.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Awesome job--better than 9 minutes.
  • theoden524
    theoden524 Posts: 26
    LIke the others said, just keep sticking with it! Check in here daily to let everyone know how you're doing. They'll know they're not alone either!

    I'm on the second month and still need to take breaks, or sometimes just hit the Rewind button if I wasn't quite ready when they started the next exercise. You'll get better and far more used to the moves, don't worry! Still lapping everyone just watching the tv. :)

    - Matt
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Hello! I'm also slowly getting into Insanity. So far after two tries I managed to get through the entire warm up and stretching before my leg started cramping and I had to stop. The day before that I managed only through the warmup.

    I've decided to stay on the first video until I get through it all and only then officially start the program. I took a month or so off any working out and aĺl my fit level has gone out of the window. Still I've decided this time I will push through and nothing will stop me.