Over 55 & still trying to lose that 10#

I've hovered at this weight for almost 15 years & have wanted to reach a 10# weight loss and sustain it the entire time. I've gotten close then yo-yo back up. This is my highest weight yet so now's the time to get back on track. I'm joining a new gym, bought a pedometer and I'm racking up 10K/day as a goal, and need to log my food and exercise. My goal this week: Log in every day!!


  • christimccarty
    great goal!!! you can do it!!! I live more on facebook than here on mfp. add me! Im always up for extra accountability! https://www.facebook.com/christi.frazier.98
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Aedreana here, hello! I am 61, 5' 3 1/2" and 121 pounds. 5 months ago, I weighed 110. I am preparing to embark on my first diet of 2014! As soon as the last 2 bags of frozen french fries in the freezer are gone!
  • bcscho
    bcscho Posts: 12
    I've logged my food & exercise since posting & actually had a good day yesterday. Exercise is good...food intake needs the work!
  • bcscho
    bcscho Posts: 12
    Realistic Expectations...something I need to work on. It's definitely not the best time to start "the new diet/exercise plan" just before the holiday weekend when your son is coming home on leave. So, for today my goal is to log in, do my exercise, drink my water, no alcohol, and avoid eating after 7 pm. Those are "doable goals" for me today.
  • bcscho
    bcscho Posts: 12
    :drinker: Yep...I'm drinking alright and it's WATER!!! Got up the nerve to weigh in today after the 4th of July holiday and homecoming weekend for my military son on leave. All my exercise paid off...it was better than I'd expected!!
    Keep it Simple Goals for today: Record my food, drink water, exercise, and stop eating after 7pm.
  • bcscho
    bcscho Posts: 12
    Thanks Christi! Finally on a roll!!! And it's a good one...just hope I can keep it up.
  • bcscho
    bcscho Posts: 12
    Exercise plan is going well. Eating/drinking...needs some work! Always an excuse...holiday, weekend, don't want to cook, etc. Time to get down to business!! Thank goodness I'm exercising or my weight would be climbing!