No more steaks

Hello everyone,

Friendly, former-fat-kid, from philly here! I just joined this month. I've used dailyburn in the past, but it's buggy and kind of lame so I switched. I'm kind of up and down when it comes to weight. I became interested in fitness in my early 20's and lost some weight. I gained most of it back from working long hours and not having access to my normal healthy foods. I've repeated this process twice more since then, once losing 75 pounds and gaining 100 the next year.

I have all tools I need to lose weight but I need help keeping it off. Philly is one of the fattest cities in the country and I can see why. The food is amazing here and it's every where. We have 4 or 5 star restaurants, chains and food trucks. Wanna gain weight? You can do it with any cuisine you wish at any price point you can handle. My vice is Italian food though and cheesesteaks or just "steaks" to those in the know. That's the first thing I'm giving up. So no more steaks!! Wish me luck.
