why are my weekends so horrible??

I seem to do pretty good during the week and trying to hit the gym at least 3 times a week, but when it comes to the weekend everything goes out the window. Instead of having a cheat day it turns into a cheat weekend. Will I ever get myself to not go so freakin crazy? Is it ok if I am bad 2 days out of the week?


  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    I've always had a hard time with this and it seems like the smaller I am the worse I get about it (because i'm comfortable going out with my friends and not staying in PJ's all thetime!!) It's easier for me right now b/c I am in school and have to study basically 24/7 so there's not really time for fun on weekends. Try to come up with some ways to invision your goals and come up with ways to remind yourself of why you're doing this. Maybe that will help you decide whether it's worth the extra calories or not to have results on the scale or miror or pants w/e your gig is.
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    It's pretty common actually. I took a nutrition course in college over the summer and the professor (who is a registered dietitian) actually told us that weekends are usually when we eat the worst. It's like we try too hard during the week and the weekend comes and all bets are off. I find that going to the gym on the weekend helps me a great deal, and spacing my low cal snacks & meals out every 2-3 hours helps too. I used to have more problems with weekend binge because I was working during the week so I didn't have access to the pantry all day, but come the weekend I lived in it LOL
  • PolkaDot88
    PolkaDot88 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm exactly the same way. I'm good at exercising and eating right during the week, but come the weekend I'd rather go to the pub with my boyfriend and friends than exercise, and it's harder to eat right when my boyfriend is home eating more calories than I'm allowed. However, I'm still managing to lose weight... I'm just trying to minimize the damage and persuade my bf to go on walks while it's still somewhat nice out. I'm trying to make salads for lunch so that I can have a few more calories at dinner. Generally I tell myself that as long as I don't go over by more than ~300 I am still at a deficit - just not a very big one. I guess it's working, but I definitely feel guilty at the weekends! I say it's alright to have a couple more slack days a week, but see what feels right with you - if you're still losing weight and getting all your nutrients I don't see what the problem is.