Vacation Fears

I have been a yo-yoer for about 4 years. I lose weight then gain it back (plus some). In December of 2013, I was down 40 pounds. But now I am up 50 pounds from that. I am at my worst weight ever (307 Ilbs).

A little over a year ago, I was at 6 Flags Great America and I was kicked off of a ride because the harness didn't close. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and sent me into a downward spiral.

In a little over a month, I am supposed to go to Disney World with my family. This is probably the last vacation we will take as a family as I am 20 years old. I am terrified that I will be too afraid to go on any of the rides for fear of having another harness not close. I want this vacation to be special and I don't want to ruin it with this.

I have restarted a diet and exercise effort but I have only lost 1.4 pounds in 2 weeks. I am feeling very discouraged.

Does anyone have any advice on how to kickstart my weight loss so that I can go on this trip feeling a little bit better?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Frequent, vigorous cardio, and a reduced calorie, high protein diet.

    If the harness doesn't close, laugh it off. Go there to have fun, not worry.
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    Most, if not all, amusement/theme parks will have "test seats" for their rides, usually located at the line entrance. Not all rides have a test seat but you should be able to find a couple scattered around the park. Just sit in the seat and try to close the harness or pull down the lap bar. If you don't fit, then you pretty much know that riding the coasters is out. It sucks but at least you don't have the embarassment of getting kicked off the ride while everyone else is waiting for it to start and wondering what the hold-up is.

    I remember the last time I was at Great America a few years ago and the attendent had to help me close the shoulder harness on the Batman ride. It closed but I felt pretty embarrassed by it and didn't ride any other rides that day. Now, I'm going back on July 21st and can't wait to get back on those rides! I hope you have some success and get to experience WDW to the fullest!
  • Kellryn
    Kellryn Posts: 139 Member
    I understand your situation completely. I just got back from a vacation from Disney World last week. When I first booked the trip, it was pointed out to me by my sister that some of the rides would be tight. That was what made me start this lifestyle change. I only had 6 weeks to lose some wight before my trip. I managed to go from 280lbs. to 260lbs. in that time.

    If you are only going to Disney World (their 4 theme parks), you probaly have nothing to fear at all (though I didn't go on any of the "toddler" rides). Now, if you plan to go to Universal Studios, which by far is the better park! you may have problems depending on how your weight is distributed, mine is in my stomach. The good thing about Universal Studios is most of the rides have tester seats before the lines. Most of the coasters were a tight fit for me, I highly doubt I would have fit most of them if I hadn't lost the 20lbs. before I went. I did fit on every single one of them, though, the rip rocket was a little uncomfortable. I fit on the Harry Potter rides in the modifide seats (just ask for them).

    Hope you have fun and get on everything, it is a blast. My nephews and I had a great time.