cheat 2 days in a week(weekend)

I diet for 6 months and lost 40 pounds(just do cardio didnt do any weight lifting stuff), and now i'm very skinny(110 pounds) so i started doing a clean bulk, a very clean for 2 weeks now, i always do cheat day on sunday when i diet, but when it comes to "clean" bulking, can i make it on weekend( sat and sunday)?? im eating 2500 cal and super clean from monday-saturday

23years old
110 pounds


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Personally I would recommend someone take more flexible approach to daily diet rather than being very restrictive for 5-6 days per week then having a cheat day.

    most of the "clean eating" stuff that gets put about is incredibly restrictive/fear mongering.

    Look into flexible dieting, release that foods are not all just "good" or "bad" or clean/dirty.

    If you allow yourself more options during the week you won't even think about the need for cheat days.

    but to answer you question, can you clean bulk with 2 cheat days per week??...yeah long as total calorie intake is kept the same.
  • thx for the reply, but how could i kept the same calorie intake if i do 2 cheat day, on cheat day i eat like 3000cal=.=lol
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    thx for the reply, but how could i kept the same calorie intake if i do 2 cheat day, on cheat day i eat like 3000cal=.=lol

    just keep an eye on the scale if it starts going up too quickly you will have to dial it back a bit.

    I probably should have said "as long as total calorie intake stays reasonable", clearly if you start eating 5000+ calories a couple of times a week that's going to be an issue.
  • Calories for the week the same. You go low then high on your cheats if that is what you want to do. 3k cheats, last time I did programmed cheats they were more like 7.5k. Figure out what works for you best and do that.