I have stopped obsessing over the scales

I have found that my priorities have shifted since I started this diet. I was initially all about the number on the scale and I obsessed about it for the first few weeks.

I am still weighing regularly but I am no longer fixated over the amount I have lost (or not, as the case may be) like I did even a few weeks ago. I hit a 3 week mini-plateau a month or so ago and it bothered me for ages, but now that I am back on track and I can see the loss in the mirror (aswell as having others notice it, which is a major milestone for me) I am content with whatever the scale tells me each week. I will certainly not be happy with an increase of a pound or 2, but unless it starts to show a trend I will simply redouble my efforts for the following week and not let it get me down.

My main concerns now are how I feel and how I look (by that I mean I am not being vain, but I am buying smaller clothes, etc, and that is surely the main am for all of us). I am healthier than I have been for a very long time and I feel more confident with it, so any blip on the scales (although I am by no means expecting any) won’t bother be anymore and I feel all the happier for it.

If I were to offer advice to anybody who gets spun out by what their scales tell them, it would be to still pay attention to their weight, but don’t let it get you down – let your new-found healthier lifestyle give you a better outlook. It certainly works for me.


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Good job man. That scale really can change the mood of someone. Maybe even cause them to quit all together. The weight report might be zig zag but as long as you reach your goal in a healthy way what more can you ask for?
  • WelshPhil1975
    WelshPhil1975 Posts: 138 Member
    Exactly what I mean - I will still weigh each week (I am still working toward a target that can only be determined by the scales) and I will no doubt still feel highs & lows depending on the results, but certainly not to the point of it affecting my day like it was up until recently. I refuse to be a slave to the scales, my overall fitness, increasing confidence and shrinking clothes size is what drives my positive moods now and I'm b*ggered if I'm letting the odd rogue pound or 2 get me down.
  • Ferrous_Female_Dog
    Ferrous_Female_Dog Posts: 221 Member