
I'm sorry this may sound stupid but I don't understand what calories I should be eating , not the net calories. My bmr is 1267, MPF gives me a calorie intake of 1200 ? Is that what I should be consuming in calories because how can my body get it's full nutrients especially at my age ? Then people are saying our bodies require 1700 calories, but I thought what your body needs is your bmr? Also what about how everyone is saying now eat more and you'll lose more, is it true and how much would that be? I really am eger to lose weight, only about 10 pounds, I weigh 117 now and am 5'1. I also use the UP bracket and I usually burn about 300-500 cals depending what day of the week it is, mon&thurs arms wed&friday legs with 75 mins of yoga on Tuesday. A usual gym day is 5 warmup, strength with jumping jacks or plyos in between reps. Then I finish it off with cardio, I have been doing just 10 mins now I bumped it up to 30 mins. Please help me clear this confusion and tell me what I should be eating so I can finally lose weight thank you soo much.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    BMR is kind of useless if you ask me, you want TDEE, which is the total calories you burn in a day rather than BMR which is the calories you would burn at rest. take TDEE and subtract 250 (since you have only 10 to lose, 0.5 lbs loss per week is a good pace to set). this would put you around 1600 cals/day (i get 1850 TDEE from your stats and exercise level)

    eat more lose more has a threshold, it only applies to people eating really low amounts (like sub 1000), its not like if someone goes from eating 3000 calories a day to 4000 they'll lose weight, quite the contrary

    looks like your exercising alot, which is good just dont over exert yourself
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    BigT said it.

    All i would add is that at your height and weight, i wouldn't focus much on what the scale says...i would just look in the mirror. You could redistribute your body weight from fat to muscle and still weigh 117 but look completely different.

    Also, once you start tracking your calorie goal, pay attention to the mirror and scale together. If you aren't seeing the changes after a couple of weeks, drop the calories by 200ish and try for a couple more weeks.

    Always remember that fitness is a lifestyle and not an instant gratification thing. It takes time and work so you might have to play around with calories for a couple months before you find the right combo.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    With your height/weight/age (I guessed your age), I plugged it into a calculator and your TDEE is about 1900 calories. That means you'd need to consume 1900 calories at your current activity level to maintain your weight. Since you only have 10 lbs to lose, TDEE - 10% or -15% would probably be more reasonable of a deficit, which puts you at consuming 1615-1700 calories a day. This should equate to about 0.5lb/week loss, so it should take you about 20 weeks to lose the weight (as in, it will take you until November- be patient).

    BMR is kind of irrelevant, except for the fact that you probably should consume more than your BMR (that's my opinion- I'm not a doctor though).
  • lmvx
    lmvx Posts: 8
    Thank you all that really helped a lot!