21 Digest Diet- anyone done it?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    OP, I saw you bumped the thread shortly after posting it. What is it exactly that you are looking for by posting this?
    Personal anecdotes, opinions, etc.

    @those who were talking about me doing the detox- I quit smoking cold Turkey this past weekend and I'm hoping that will help flush out the rest of the nicotine.
    I see you've lost 62 pounds thus far, so you know how to properly diet. Congrats on that, as well as quitting smoking. :smile:

    So, you want to do this diet because it has a detox and you want to flush out nicotine toxins from your body?

    Doesn't your body naturally flush those toxins out? It seems to me that the effects of however long you smoked will go away with time an that a detox is unnecessary.

    ETA: I missed your last posting about deciding not to do this diet. Good luck!
  • feralkitten1010
    feralkitten1010 Posts: 219 Member
    Drink lots of water. It will help you "drown" any cravings you might have. (Not a cure all, but it made it more bearable for me after I quit smoking.)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Ugh. That is amazing.

    I'm seriously not sure if my attempts to quit smoking have directly effected my plateau.

    My boyfriend really made a big issue of wanting me to quit, and I want to quit.

    I did quit for six whole months, but then... well, you know.

    I usually smoke only 1-2 a day unless alcohol is involved, so I'm not a heavy smoker.

    I can do workouts, ran 5 miles last night, I don't feel like the smoking effects my health negatively, even though it does.

    But let me tell you, there are those times where you're somewhere in between wanting a snack and a cigarette, and choosing the lesser of two evils or just suffering incessantly.

    Losing weight and quitting smoking at the same time is stupid hard so congrats to you for it!

  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking!! I'm 1 year smoke free myself. The only real "detox" of nicotine you do is to drink a LOT of water (well, not a detox, but will help you feel better) and time. It takes approximately 3 days for all nicotine to leave your blood. Lungs will take time, from days to weeks for some people (you will likely cough up ugly, awful things--but that's okay, your lungs are clearing out). There just isn't anything dietary that will clean your blood and lungs.

    Keep on with a modest, reasonable deficit and any exercise you do. The rest will follow :flowerforyou:
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I was reading this book and started doing the diet just when I began using mfp about two years ago. I did about two or three days. I loved the recipes and still make the lentil soup with coconut milk and greens and almond butter. Yum !!!!
    I got my friend to do it too. She did it for three months, I did about three days. We both lost almost twenty pounds and wore sexy tight cocktail dresses to the Christmas party that year. She has now gained all the weight back and I have maintained, even with chronic pain for a year and months of recovery from surgery. Why was I successful? Because I followed a plan that works for me and eat the foods that I like to eat. It is sustainable because it feels normal and natural to me. All diets work if they have a calorie deficit and you stick to them. I ate more calories than the digest diet allowed and still lost because I was still under my TDEE.

    That diet talks about research and makes it sound like it works because of a special formula, but it works because you have to eat at a deficit to do the diet, pure and simple. The only science is regarding the health benefits of certain foods, which you could research and claim about most foods.

    I know peanut butter and advocados make me feel satiated. I know that Lentils and beans have protein and fibre. I know that dark green veggies have more protein than other veggies. I know protein is good for muscle repair and my energy levels. I don't need a book to tell me that only they know the special formulae for me. I am successful because I have my own knowledge.