Saggy stomach post delivery

It's been about a year since I have given birth via c section to my son. And my stomach has been very droopy ever since. I was very large when pregnant with him and dropped 30 pounds the day I delivered. (I'm still way up on the scale today)

Anyways. As I lose weight will the sagging go away? Or is my stomach always going to be awkward.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It is somewhat dependent on your age and genetics. You are young, though, so I would think that with weight loss and exercise you are going to be good stomach-wise. I'm 37 and waited 7 years after having my daughter to lose weight and it's getting better for me. Since you are ahead of me youth-wise and time-wise, I think you'll have even more success. I would suggest doing strength training as it really seems to help with loose/saggy skin issues all over the body.
  • j9ny
    j9ny Posts: 9
    My second son is 16 months old now and I'm still battling the "mom pooch" belly. My stomach muscles actually separated during pregnancy and it's been a feat getting them to tighten back up. If you Google "diastasis recti" you'll be able to look up certain exercises that target the transverse abdominal muscles (the ones that hide behind your "six pack" abs). I'm doing the T25 workouts and am starting to see improvement on the sagging belly. Best of luck!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    It is hard to get your belly to look mostly normal again. There's another post I found really inspiring.

    After my first child I lost all of the baby weight plus another 17 lbs or so and I still had a little pouch. It was much smaller and I could hide it by wearing boy short style swimsuits but it was still there.

    (5'3" 185 pregnancy weight got down to 123 lbs)

    I knew another girl with 2 children who got flat abs after careful nutrition and doing P90X. Not sure if that would work for most or if she just got lucky. I am pregnant with baby #3 and praying that I will one day have a decent stomach again.
  • TwirleySlims
    TwirleySlims Posts: 112
    11 years later, mine is still there :D I prefer to think of it as a souvenir of being a Mum :D
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I'd like to say your stomach will go back to normal. Maybe it will!

    Mine did not and never will. My friends' didn't and never will.

    But you hear about people who do get their figure right back where it was. Maybe you'll be one of them. :)

    Good luck and congrats on the new baby. :)
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    I asked a dermatologist about this once. She said that it really is dependent on age and skin elasticity. The older we get the less "bounce back" our skin has. I've had 4 babies and it's definitely a problem area for me. Since there's not much I can do about it but exercise and eat better, I prefer to look at it proudly.....

    I am woman, I had babies, hear me roar!