a real introduction

Weeks ago, maybe longer I introduced myself. But at the time I wasn't very serious about MFP or weight loss. The past two weeks I have felt a change in myself, something inside me telling me "It's time". It's time to loos weight, it's time for a new and better me, it's time to get healthy, it's time to start looking good.

For almost 23 years I have been overweight, with the last 10 years probably being the worst. I have never been one to hate my body or the way I look. Actually when I'm dressed up with my hair and makeup done, I think I look pretty damn good. But I think I could look even better. Now I know obviously loosing weight is about being healthy, lowering the risk for things such as diabetes and high blood pressure, ect. But I have to be open and honest with myself, I am not concerned about health, that's not why I'm doing this. I am young and as sad as it may or may not be, in my eyes, looks trump health. I'm sure at some point this will change, but right now, that's how I personally feel.

I've managed to loose 6lbs in the course of many weeks (and really, that's without even TRYING) so I feel like I've already made a small impact in my weight loss and my future. And I am looking forward to the day when I know longer see the tag on the inside of my clothing say "24" and rather something much smaller.

I am a blogger and I do write on an almost daily basis on different website that's not for weight loss. So I'd love to be able to meet and get in touch with others here. Feel free to add me (I plan on blogging on MFP too and taking part in EVERYTHING this place has to offer!)


  • skylersnanna
    welcome-neon-blue-ag1.gif you will love the support and advice people on here can give you, a massive bunch of lovely people, good luck with your journey 829aa38f-0b39-4995-8bba-86bf.gif
  • canieatnomore
    welcome for real!
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Good luck. You are in the right place to achieve what you want to x
  • MimsDR
    MimsDR Posts: 12
    Well worth joining here .... you get so much support when you need it most !! It's really helped me in my efforts - so many times I felt like throwing in the towel but the girls here have kept me going. You'll find the same ... good luck with your efforts.........
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Welcome and Congratulations on getting serious about weight loss. I've tried off and on but never seriously. In August I too felt it was time and have since lost just over 20 pounds. I joined a Zumba class twice a week, gym 2-3 times and eating healthy. I have found that in the last two months I do not need to think as much as I used to about what I am eating. In the beginning it was hard but now, it's ingrained that I rarely get those cravings (except TOM of course) and I have never felt better. Even though I still have 80 to lose the difference in my body is amazing.

    I would love to have you as a fitness buddy and see the changes in you over the months to come!