SWEETS - The war is on!!

I'm trying to quit very decadent treats, well maybe not quit, but save them for really special occations like my birthday and maybe Christmas. These treats include chocolate, iced cookies, fudge, decadent chocolate (or other decadent) cakes and anything that has a really strong sweet flavor.

Why? Not because I'm outlawing sugar or against it or anything. But really because if I taste a strong sweet flavor, its a gaurantee that I will binge and eat EVERYTHING!

Instead I'll be eating things like custard, jello, plain non-iced vanilla cookies, plain vanilla ice cream, maybe some fruit flavoured candies like jellybeans and jelly bears. Also some instant puddings which are mild flavoured.

Wish me luck! This is going to be quite the mental battle with myself! The war is ON!! :laughing:


  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    Eh, my smiley failed.:laugh:
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Good luck!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Do the sweets trigger binges because you are prone to bingeing, or is it (as is more commonly the case) because your body is hungry because you have set your calorie goal too low?

    If it is the latter, if you start fuelling your body more adequately then most people can enjoy small portions of all the foods they enjoy without bingeing.
  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    Do the sweets trigger binges because you are prone to bingeing, or is it (as is more commonly the case) because your body is hungry because you have set your calorie goal too low?

    If it is the latter, if you start fuelling your body more adequately then most people can enjoy small portions of all the foods they enjoy without bingeing.

    I'm eating at maintenance :) that is 1610 calories a day. Excluding exercise, and yes, I do eat my exercise calories back.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Do the sweets trigger binges because you are prone to bingeing, or is it (as is more commonly the case) because your body is hungry because you have set your calorie goal too low?

    If it is the latter, if you start fuelling your body more adequately then most people can enjoy small portions of all the foods they enjoy without bingeing.

    I'm eating at maintenance :) that is 1610 calories a day. Excluding exercise, and yes, I do eat my exercise calories back.

    All the best in finding what works for you in controlling your binges then :flowerforyou:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Do the sweets trigger binges because you are prone to bingeing, or is it (as is more commonly the case) because your body is hungry because you have set your calorie goal too low?

    If it is the latter, if you start fuelling your body more adequately then most people can enjoy small portions of all the foods they enjoy without bingeing.

    I doubt hunger is more commonly the cause of bingeing on overly sweet foods. If low calories are the most common cause of bingeing, why would so many people who not trying to lose weight binge?

    If you read through the forums there are many, many people who have trouble eating only a little of sugary foods, regardless of their other food intake. It is a common problem, but I doubt you are correct about the common cause.
  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    Do the sweets trigger binges because you are prone to bingeing, or is it (as is more commonly the case) because your body is hungry because you have set your calorie goal too low?

    If it is the latter, if you start fuelling your body more adequately then most people can enjoy small portions of all the foods they enjoy without bingeing.

    I doubt hunger is more commonly the cause of bingeing on overly sweet foods. If low calories are the most common cause of bingeing, why would so many people who not trying to lose weight binge?

    If you read through the forums there are many, many people who have trouble eating only a little of sugary foods, regardless of their other food intake. It is a common problem, but I doubt you are correct about the common cause.

    Well I'm no expert, but perhaps some people who even eat at maintenance eat too much "junk" and aren't getting good nutrition or are lacking some micro/macro nutrients, that causes them to binge. I'm not sure of this though, this is what I read somewhere on one of these forums. I however do try to meet all my micro/macro nutrients, and also take supplements. So I guess I'm just mentally disordered or something Lol. :laugh:
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Good luck. If you start slipping and get really desperate, make a list of your favorite sweets, then google them online with keywords like customer complaints, bugs, and gross. If you're really lucky, there will be pictures.
  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    Good luck. If you start slipping and get really desperate, make a list of your favorite sweets, then google them online with keywords like customer complaints, bugs, and gross. If you're really lucky, there will be pictures.

    Havn't tried that before! Might look into it :wink:
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I like your strategy, best of luck and if you think of it, follow up in this thread after a while and let us know how it's going. I'm sure you can do it! :smile:
  • scybale
    scybale Posts: 7
    I have a sweet tooth for ice cream but lately I've been really into mandarins and bananas, they seem to quench my hunger for sweets and are much better for me.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Why would you punish yourself like this?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Good luck.
  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    Why would you punish yourself like this?

    I'm not really seeing it as punishment. (that is unless you mean the binging and not the restricting)

    There are many health risks involved if you eat candy the way I do. I can successfully eat 2 slabs of chocolate every second day. And a piece of cake, or 3. And even a can of condensed milk! Litterally, like I drink the can!

    I'm doing this for my health. I'm not cutting it out of my diet, rather replacing it with things that will HOPEFULLY not make me lose control so much.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Life without chocolate on a daily basis is not a life worth living.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Why would you punish yourself like this?

    I'm not really seeing it as punishment. (that is unless you mean the binging and not the restricting)

    There are many health risks involved if you eat candy the way I do. I can successfully eat 2 slabs of chocolate every second day. And a piece of cake, or 3. And even a can of condensed milk! Litterally, like I drink the can!

    I'm doing this for my health. I'm not cutting it out of my diet, rather replacing it with things that will HOPEFULLY not make me lose control so much.

    Try practicing control over the foods you love so you can keep enjoying them. Only allowing yourself to have chocolate a couple times a year sounds depressing. You could just keep one candy bar in the house or something at first so even if you do lose control occasionally, you can't do too much damage.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Why would you punish yourself like this?

    I'm not really seeing it as punishment. (that is unless you mean the binging and not the restricting)

    There are many health risks involved if you eat candy the way I do. I can successfully eat 2 slabs of chocolate every second day. And a piece of cake, or 3. And even a can of condensed milk! Litterally, like I drink the can!

    I'm doing this for my health. I'm not cutting it out of my diet, rather replacing it with things that will HOPEFULLY not make me lose control so much.

    Dude, I get it, been there, still do that (sometimes). Maybe substituting with the bland stuff will help (initially), but you'll have more success in the long run by learning simple moderation of the things you like.

    But a can of condensed milk? You're hardcore lol
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Good luck. It does get easier after a couple of weeks your urges will decrease. I banned my binge triggers for the beginning also but now can have them on occasion without triggering a binge. You can do it.:flowerforyou:
  • LeeAnne210
    LeeAnne210 Posts: 40
    Why would you punish yourself like this?

    I'm not really seeing it as punishment. (that is unless you mean the binging and not the restricting)

    There are many health risks involved if you eat candy the way I do. I can successfully eat 2 slabs of chocolate every second day. And a piece of cake, or 3. And even a can of condensed milk! Litterally, like I drink the can!

    I'm doing this for my health. I'm not cutting it out of my diet, rather replacing it with things that will HOPEFULLY not make me lose control so much.

    Dude, I get it, been there, still do that (sometimes). Maybe substituting with the bland stuff will help (initially), but you'll have more success in the long run by learning simple moderation of the things you like.

    But a can of condensed milk? You're hardcore lol

    And I can drink it without getting sick too :laugh: I know it sounds depressing. Special occations like I said. Also, I don't do sweets in moderation. If I binge I'm not myself and I don't think. I would even drive frantically to a 24 hour shop to buy more! I eat until I'm stuffed and even after that. Distraction just does not do it for me. Trust me I've tried moderation. Just read my picture... PORTION CONTROL ...does not work with candy... You know what would be depressing? Going cold turkey.