My time is now!

Hi All,
I am new to MFP. I went to a wedding last weekend and was appalled at the pictures of myself. I didn't realize how fat I looked. My friend told me about it on Tuesday and I signed up immediately. I think my biggest challenge will be to stay motivated. I am 37, 5'4" and on Wednesday, when I weighed myself, I was 216lbs. Just journaling what I eat and my exercise will help me to stay accountable. Support from friends on this site should help too! I can do it, and you can too!


  • kayjbaskin
    kayjbaskin Posts: 9 Member
    Great job tracking your food and exercise! This site is super helpful for that, I love the on the go app too, it means I cant casually forget anything while I'm out if I snack! :) Feel free to add me if you'd like a friend! You can do it, good luck!
  • Kaylee11133
    Kaylee11133 Posts: 31 Member
    This site really does help. Theres no way I would have ever been able to keep track of anything more than calories without it. And logging your food and letting it be seen by people helps you stay on track =P You can do it. You just need to decide that you will and this is it. Good luck!