Friends that like to talk/message

I am trying this again. I need friends that like to email and chat about their struggles and advice and all that fun stuff. I love to email back and forth and get personal as far as not just weight loss but the emotional part that goes along with it, I want to find people that want to do this together and be able to talk to each other along the way as a solid support system. I will be friends with anyone, I need all the support I can get. I am currently 270 and I am just done being this weight. I have 2 kids that I want to be able to ride bikes with and play without getting tired.


  • iamkristyy
    iamkristyy Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Wynterandmil im 21 going on 22 on the 13th of july. im currently 200 lbs my goal is 180 because I need to be that weight to join the navy which is why im doing all this. My family os no help with there constand questions on when im leaving? nut they don't understand how hard losing weight is. I currently have no kids but I do need a solid support system my name is Kristy. ill be more than happy to be here for you if youll be there for me? :]