Six Month Plateau

Hi All! I have been at the same weight for SIX MONTHS. I eat very clean (no grains, no dairy, little sugar) and my calories are always in a good range. I work out 4-6 days a week, both cardio and weights. I suspect there are a few things holding my weight at the EXACT same place, including hormones (I am 49) and adrenaline/cortisol. Just wondering if you have any creative ideas on how to lose a pound? I am getting married in three months, so I have give up my "ultimate weight" goal, and new goal is to just be as fit as possible... but a few pounds down would be AWESOME!!! THANK YOU!


  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    Eat less - Move more.

    I know it's snarky and I sort of don't mean it to be. The only thing that causes a lasting plateau is eating and exercising at maintenance. Since you are eating and exercising at maintenance you just need to eat a little less or move a little more.

    I speak as a guy here when I assure you, your husband to be will not notice at all if you are a pound or two lighter or heavier come the wedding day. I would just stay the course and if you need to drop a few more pounds over time just do what we all do, weigh and measure everything and cut down a few calories as needed.

    Best of luck!
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    ^What this poster said.

    Would you be comfortable with opening your diary and letting us have a look?
  • LowTRob
    LowTRob Posts: 4 Member
    Eating "clean" is bull****. Doesn't matter. Zero to do with weight loss. If you're stuck you're at maintenance or aren't accurately tracking/reporting cals. Cut cals or up activity.
  • yosassi
    yosassi Posts: 30 Member
    What type of workouts are you doing? Have you thought about switching up the type of exercises you are doing? Shoot me a private message if you want to exchange workout ideas :)
  • ajones1965
    ajones1965 Posts: 78 Member
    Maybe alter your workout a little, up the intensity of your cardio? The body adapts very easily to routine, give it something to surprise it!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    It is impossible to give advice other than the eat less move more that already has been said without more information.
    How much do you eat?
    How do you measure your food?
    What exercise do you do currently? How often?
    What is your height and current weight?
    How much are you trying to lose?

    ETA - opening your diary can also be very helpful
  • cookfit10
    cookfit10 Posts: 35
    Have you tried a cleanse. I was having the same problem and tried one and lost those last pounds
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Have you tried a cleanse. I was having the same problem and tried one and lost those last pounds

    Can I ask why you should suggest this? What would the op be cleansing?
    I think the best advise is to re evaluate her intake.
  • cookfit10
    cookfit10 Posts: 35
    Yes the reason why I would suggest this is because it worked for me
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Yes the reason why I would suggest this is because it worked for me

    Can I ask if you sell beach body products or something similiar
  • cookfit10
    cookfit10 Posts: 35
    Yes the reason why I would suggest this is because it worked for me

    Can I ask if you sell beach body products or something similiar

    No just simply putting what works for me
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Please make your diary public for better advice specific to you.