warm ups and cool downs

I do dvd dance workouts (my fav) and I was wondering if others included the warm ups and cool downs when logging the minutes? i always have (its a total of 5 mins, no biggie) but wasnt sure if I was cheating myself a few cals by doing that. Not that it makes a big difference. I was just curious :)


  • karot32
    I don't always count them but when I do I count the warm up but not cool down :smile:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I use an HRM and count the warmup and cooldown time and average the BPM from that time into the over all time to help calculate my calories burned. Long as the warm up and cool down BPMs are higher than "normal activity" BPM, I don't see why you shouldn't count them. But I'm no expert, just what I do :)