New Member looking to lose weight STAT!!!

Hello Fitness Pal Members!

My name is Shirley and I am a new members as of 3 days ago. I am looking for support and also looking to support others. I had a baby 17 months ago and lost my energy, portion control and gained a ton of weight. I've tried weight watchers and keep bouncing back on my weight. This website seems different and more organized so will give it a go. So far its working great where I can see how much fat, protein, sodium etc.. I am consuming along with calories. Its a hard road ahead but I hope to see a change. Nice to meet you all!




  • gennybunny
    Hi Shirley, welcome to mfp. I have been on and off this site for some one and before that I was also following weight watchers. I have known lots of people who have been super successful on this site and 1 week in for me this time I am hoping to lose weigh this Christmas rather than gain the usual 20 lbs. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend if you want. Genny
  • mistylamb76
    hi :) i just recently joined this site too and it seems like the best one so far. im sorta in the same shoes as you, i have a 19 month old AND a 6 month finding the energy to workout or even cook a decent meal instead of popping something in the microwave is super hard. if you want to add me you can id love to help in any way and would love to hear your advice :)
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    Hi Shirley, I too have tried weight watchers but with no sucess. I agree with you this site seems pretty easy and the support so far is fantastic. I too would like to loose weight during the Christmas holidays rather than gain or even maintain would be great. Together we can do it. Keep in touch
  • Jillian0708
    i love MFP i have been using the mobile app for about 4 months and this actually website a few weeks .. it has been my key success to my weightloss so far !!! i love it here and im sure you will to !!!