Has anyone tried a "bootcamp" class?

at my gym i am able to go to classes for free, one of them being bootcamp class, i really want to try it but im not sure if im in good enough shape, will i make a fool of myself?
please be honest!!
i weigh 190 and am 5'7
when i go to the gym i usually do cardio for an hour and weights for a half hour.


  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    There is no standard boot camp class there all different so until you try it you wont know . But i will tell you that if the instructor is worth a crap they will show modifications of all moves for varying degrees of fitness. Also be prepared for high intensity cardio intervals and dont eat right before even a couple of hours before or you might puke. Stay hydrated for sure. Ive done these type classes for two years and totally transformed my body. It never got easy it always challenged me and i really enjoyed it.
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    I just started a circuit training class at my gym because the boot came it during times I work. From what I understand from the instructor that does both classes they are similar in adding cardio and strength training. I just started This was my second week. The first class I was super tired and the next few days really sore. But this last week I Could do more and at the higher levels. It broke me through a plateau I didn't know I had. Just try it. There are always beginners in a class. they will even show modified versions of the work out if you needed, but will push you do do the harder ones. Its like a personal trainer for free. You should Totally due It. And try out other classes too, Muscle confusion and it is fun. Good luck.
  • RabbitLost
    RabbitLost Posts: 333 Member
    My gym offers these and my trainer teaches at least one class three times a week. I see all levels in these classes and the trainers make adjustments for beginners as well as those who are quite advanced. Like someone already said, a good instructor will come to your level and help you gain higher levels. Also, my trainer has said a number of times some of his best success stories come from boot camp. I say give it a shot.
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    I have done two 8 weeks round of bootcamp in my local area and am about to start my 3rd. I assume all are different but in all classes I have been in everyone can basically go at your own pace. The trainer will push you I am sure my the give motified versions of everything so it is suited to beginners and more advanced people. I LOVE them! My first 8 weeks I only went 1 times a week and I was going to the gym or swimming 2 others days a week. I lost 18 lbs and went from a size 12 to a size 10. Do it!!
  • whodarescheerall
    whodarescheerall Posts: 5 Member
    not all are the same but they are great and are classified at multi sport training, because, when taught right, help you train your secondary muscles and build strength. Which also means you are less like tot hurt yourself in when you are doing other activities. Plus since you are mostly using your body weight or assisted with objects instead isolating a specific region, it is GREAT for beginners or those who thin they missing something to improve in their sport. I finished my for half Ironman in April and all last and and leading up to that i did a boot-camp type workout 2 to 3 times a week (note, I sometime workout twice a day, very early and on before going home)
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    If you're already lifting and doing cardio it might be redundant. Most of those classes focus on speed and high reps, making it more of a calorie burn than a muscle building routine for all but novice lifters. Just make sure you're not burning yourself out.
  • javalika
    javalika Posts: 10 Member
    Dogwalkingirl. WHen did you start seeing the difference? I have been doing bootcamp with a good diet for the past 3 weeks and feel fantastic but weight has not dropped on the scale :( clothes don't fit looser either which is more of the issue.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    There is no standard boot camp class there all different so until you try it you wont know . But i will tell you that if the instructor is worth a crap they will show modifications of all moves for varying degrees of fitness. Also be prepared for high intensity cardio intervals and dont eat right before even a couple of hours before or you might puke. Stay hydrated for sure. Ive done these type classes for two years and totally transformed my body. It never got easy it always challenged me and i really enjoyed it.

    Consistency is critical. Be patient with yourself and do not compare yourself to the more experienced people. Keep in mind they had to start to become more experienced. There's a strong camaraderie in my Monday night class and no one is left behind. I love it. I hope you will too.
  • focused4health
    focused4health Posts: 154 Member
    If you include a couple of days of HIIT with your cardio and as you already do strength training boot camp probably not going to make you any fitter but a hell of a lot sorer and there of course is the seeds of lack of motivation. Cant train too sore. Bloody boot camp...just the sound of it sends me into a puking fit. Ahh..no way. 48 years ago they paid me to endure the barking and screaming and yelling and personal abuse...no way no more and certainly not if it was coming out of my pocket.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    My gym has a bootcamp class, and I love it! I've been going for four months.

    I started being extremely out of shape and not having worked out in like 3 years. When I started, I couldn't get up from one push up. Now I'm coming up on being able to do 10 in-modified push ups

    It was definitely an *kitten* kicker at first.. But I'm finally at a point where I'm not sore the next day. When I started I was sore for four days afterwards lol

    As someone mentioned.. There is no standardized bootcamp routine so your mileage may vary